What the? [MIND AU]

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Owen woke up to find himself in that strange void he was in all that time ago with Ash.

"What the?" He muttered as he was seemingly alone until there was a flash of lightening and a grey ghost looking version of him appeared with some sly smirk.

"Dø ÿøû błamê ÿøûrśêłf" Asked the grinning scale version of him he was confused "What?" Asked Owen staring at the other him.

"Wêll it's quite common for in this situation" the scale version of him went on with a smirk "for a patient to feel a sense of guilt" The other him added.

Owen took a step back but was pushed forward again by what felt like Squidney? but it couldn't be Squidney could it? Squidney was dead wasn't she?

"What situation" he said trying to keep up some act that he wasn't scared causing the scale one to sigh and stare at him briefly before replying "the accident"

Owen stared at him and tried to take another step back and turned to see Ash and Squidney the two turned him around to face the scale version of him. "What accident?" Asked Owen this was all confusing and he had people to take care of!

The scale version looked at him and sighed his expression implied that he was thinking:how the hell does this idiot not know what I mean!?

He felt Squidney step up next to him and whisper something in his ear he only really made out the words: it wasn't your fault from whatever she had said.

"It's common for people to invite" The grey version went on as he took a step toward Owen "blame or create a causality" He went on walking closer to him until he was around 5 steps away "When in reality" the other him stopped 3 feet in front of him.

"It was completely" the grey version said seemingly pulling him into a hug Owen didn't know what was going on but yet he still embraced it he felt he could trust this grey version of himself.

"Out of your control" Where the final words Owen heard before everything faded to white and then back to black.

All he saw was what seemed to be two windows staring at Magic who seemed to be looking down at him before he fell asleep.


Owen woke with a start startling Magic who was watching over him "Owen you've been out for a week are you ok?" Asked Magic "I don't even know anymore" Owen said as the younger helped him up.

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