A part of something

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Ok I'm just going to say this, this is related to A purpose as in similar events happened in the past but it is not set in the same world. Also there's another big text wall in here why are the text walls here well im bored that's why.

Owen sat still on top of the gate, he had sat there for 7 days straight without sleeping, Sometimes the others would bring him food if they didn't they feared he would go without eating he probably would.

Magic and Graecie walked up to him to do said act "Owen you ok you've cooped yourself up here for ages" said Graecie Magic nodded handing him a ham sandwich.

"It's not much but it's all I could make on a moments notice" piped Magic he nodded and ate it as he turned and stared out to the maze.

Graecie wondered off to do something but Magic stayed as he finished his sandwich she sighed.

"You seem sad" said Magic sighing he looked over to her "I'm not kid, it's just I hear something calling me" said Owen ruffling her hair "it's fine I just want to make sure everyone's safe" said Owen.

Magic stared at him "well what about yourself? Your a part of everyone are you not?" Asked Magic he shook his head "I'm no more a part of everyone then I am a part of something" said Owen starring back into the maze.

"Owen your part of something" said Magic putting a hand on his shoulder "your part of this whatever we have here" said Magic Owen stared into the maze still not convinced. "And something else" said Magic.

Owen stared at her confused "A lot of us see you as a father Owen" said Magic eyeing him down he turned and looked at her "why don't you why don't they want me killed?" Asked Owen.

Some others had arrived when the conversation began and where just listening unsure what to say or do to comfort there friend.

"What on earth? Of course no one wants you killed dad!" Said Magic starring at him "........but I've failed so much Magic I failed to protect you I failed to protect them I failed to protect everyone and now it's coming Magic!" Screamed Owen.

Owen had never really screamed at Magic a part from two time and she still wasn't use to it so she just stood in fear as a bullet came that would of hit her head if not for Owen sweeping her off her feet.

A watcher walked out the watcher walked out "Neat trick" said Night "Night, look I know we gave you the tittle offical Owen murderer doesn't mean you need to kill him!" Said Aish "But it does though".

Owen just stood confused Magic had fallen down and just decided to lay on the floor. "No it doesn't!" Said Aish "Well someone's gotta make angst Aish" said Night "you can have your angst whatever the hell that is when you get back to watching the security cameras!" Said Aish as Night sighed and the two walked off.

"Well that was weird" said Magic sitting up and Owen sat down "Owen if you won't listen I'll just drill your purpose into your head" said Magic Owen felt a sharp pain in his neck and passed out.

"Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out. Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.
Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out.Your purpose is to protect, your purpose is to be there family,your purpose is to get them out."

Owen snapped back to reality with a start to see Magic And Graecie starring at him worriedly as he took the final bite of the breakfast in bed the two made him for breakfast.

"Well that was weird and it felt so real" Owen muttered confused.

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