Krow & Owen no thats impossible

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Magic sighed hearing the rustling of knives from a nearby tree "I swear to god if that's you Krow" She said to be meet with a chuckle and two voices talking.

"So how do you do this?" She heard Krows voice ask "Simple a length of kenaf attached to the knife allows you to swing it around but be careful" said Owen's voice the last she expected to hear.

Krow and Owen? No that's impossible it's probably just my voices. Magic thought to herself "Hey Owen think fast" said Krow pushing him off the tree and him landing next to Magic while still sharpening his knife.

It followed after him confused as to how he was still sharpening his knife "Are you two mad!?" Asked Magic shocked "Nah" Said Krow as it chuckled "No" responded Owen.

"So sharpening your knifes at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?" Asked Magic glaring at them "Yes correct" said Krow Owen chuckled.

"Hey isn't it past your bedtime Magic?" Asked Owen "It's not my fault if I can't sleep" said Magic "You can sleep if I knock you out" Said Krow as it made a punching motion

"Yeah no let's not do that"


Unknownst to them somebody with grey scales was watching them someone you may know.

"So which universe should be the first to go?" The person muttered opening some kind of portal "All I know is it won't be this one"

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