Reacting? (Discontinued shot)

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"Why are you standing up for this wimp?" Asked Mowhee looking at Graecie "his been threw more hell then you certainly have inside and outside of this maze!" Shot back Graecie. "Graecie they were never supposed to know" said Owen sighing as everyone looked at him and then were teleported. (Ok I got inspired for that bit of this chapter from someone but I forgot who ): )


Everyone looked around they where in seats "what is this?" Asked Ori Mowhee sighed "I think this is something called a cinema" said Graecie "correct"

Everyone then turned to face the tv as it lit up "this is a tv and you will be reacting to things particularly to someone that you all know" Everyone looked around confused as to who they where going to be watching.

"...Also Owen please don't throw spears at the screen again" Everyone looked at Owen as he gave out a nervous chuckle about to do just that.

"Anyways begin"

Most people sat silently waiting and some others chatted amongst themselves.

"Hey who do you think we'll be watching?" Asked Magic Graecie shrugged "I have no idea" said Graecie with a sigh Mowhee smirked "I think I might have an idea I'll give you a hint orange juice" said Mowhee.

The screen lit up suddenly as the words
Chocolate studios present appeared on the screen

"Chocolate studios?" Asked Reddons confused "Anyways let's see what we're watching" said Apo with a sigh.

The words:The truth behind Owen appeared on the screen as Mowhee laughed before shouting "I knew it!"

Everyone watched intently well apart from Owen who sighed.

Camera opened up to a shoot of a field with a young boy and an aged man standing together and talking.
The screen read:20 years Before the maze

Magic looked at the screen and sighed "Who's the other one? I mean we know ones Owen but who is the other one?" Asked Magic Graecie sighed "That's our dad" said Graecie with a sigh.

"If your going to do this your gonna do it right now what happens when our enemies knock us down?" Asked the older man looking down at the young Owen "we get back up" answered Owen.

"Owen was trained from what seems to be such a young age" anylized Anyel as Graecie let out a sigh "yeah he was...wish dad remembered to feed him more often" said Graecie Owen let out a chuckle "Actually that was punishment for every shot I missed back when I wasn't that good at the bow and then even when I was good on rare occasion, luckily I had you" said Owen Graecie looked at him and sighed.

"And what about when our friends knock us down?" Asked Owens father "what why would they do that?" Asked Owen Owens father sniggered "Sure seems like something Graecie would do" said His father. "Why would my sister knock me down?" Asked Owen "I mean she had no problem knocking me down" said Owens father.

"What?" Asked Reddons obviously confused by the on going conversation on the screen. "Let's just say I gave dad hell when I found out what he was doing to Owen" said Graecie Reddons nodded Rasbi sighed "If we get out of this maze and the dad exists can I help put him threw extra hell?" Asked Rasbi Graecie chuckled "Yes"

"To be fair she only started doing that when she learnt what madness you put her brother threw" said a man coming up to them. "Now kid THERES a demon outside of town go take care of them" said The man Owen nodded as he walked off toward the gate.

"Wait take care in kill?" Asked Guts Owen looked at guts "wait is that what they meant by take care of?" Asked Owen Guts Rasbi and Apo looked at him "what did you do?" Asked Apo.

"Hello?" Asked Owen holding a plate of food "well ima just leave this here have a good day" said Owen going to turn around as a demon boy jumped out of a tree, "Oh Owen it's only you" said the demon boy sighing.

"Who's that?" Asked Graecie Rasbi looked at them closely "they look like...." Rasbi began "Apo?" Asked Reddons confused.

"Oh hi Apo" said Owen chuckling "you do realise when they say take car- you know what nvm anyways can we go fishing today?" Asked Apo. Owen sighed "Unfortunately not it's not Saturday yet" replied Owen with a chuckle.

"The amount of times I've been dragged fishing by demons and now magic!" Screamed Owen Mowhee looked at him "are you ok?" Asked Mowhee "I've lost every strand of sanity I've ever had but yeah sure" said Owen.

TIMESKIP a couple months later the screen read

"What's it gonna be this time?" Asked Mowhee looking confused

"Go to the Wolves fight everyone do whatever you olese

Yet another discontinued one shot

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