Lemons and limes

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The outsiders were all drinking lemonade and limes before Ori proceeded to stare at Aish's dead body. "Owen are you sure these are made out of limes and lemons?" Asked Ori "Of course they are Ori and a little bit of blood" admitted Owen.

Most people spat out there drink some people didn't care, such as the demons Magic and Mowhee. "Now now reader, are you an idiot answer me honestly you really think our author speaks fanfiction he really doens't" said Owen.

Magic just stared at him "who are you talking about and who are you talking to?" Asked Magic "Nobody Magic don't worry about it go play with Rasbi and Apo" said Owen ushing her away.

"Now answer me reader..." muttered Owen.

Meanwhile in the afterlife

"Damn those outsiders got good limes and lemons to make these drinks" said Ash "You realise my corpse is in that?" Asked Aish "that just makes it even better because I can rest knowing your dead" said Ash.

Night5kyes said to make it lemons and limes originally it was just gonna be lemons and lemonade so that happened anyways.

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