Runaway part two

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Owen ran into the woods the next morning after sneaking home and grabbing some things he saw Magic preparing missing posters just in case.

He hated how he was going to have to force his own child away with no explanation just so he didn't have the chance to hurt her. Nothing mattered more then every other creature on the planets safety, well at least to him.

He made a mad dash when he left the building and when the sun starting to rise he finally made it into the forest.

The further he went the wider the trees came apart and he found himself stopping at a lake where two demons sat starring at him like he was the first other living thing they had seen in years, a horrific expression.

"Hi, I'm Rasbi and this is Apo" stated the one that looked like it had been awake for ages. "Shhh, have some food save your strength" Stated Owen offering the girl some fish he had caught on the way to the lake of legends.

"Thank you, we're running out of fish" stated Rasbi munching on the fish, Apo stared at Owen probably to see if there was any signs of a threat apon him.

"Relax, Apo is it? Have some fish to" stated Owen offering it Apo took "thanks."

So the 3 chatted and Owen learned that it would be as tough as he hoped well should be as though as he hoped for people to find them but easy enough for them to find people and the city.

Owen told them he would only be staying for 7 years to try and learn to control whatever it was he possessed weather it be powers or something else entirely.

It didn't matter as long as he got them under control and hey he had some friends who seemed to understand it perfectly which to him was odd.

~~7 years later~~

Owen bid his farewell to Rasbi and Apo, they had grown quite close he liked them and offered for them to come with him but they wanted to stay in the forest.

Owen walked in to the same bar that he had gotten apple juice from that night. "You still sell apple juice?" He asked calmly his voice wasn't disguised until he noticed it was Graecie working there? "No we changed it to orange to honour one of the town leaders called Owen" said Graecie.

"Ahhh well thanks anyways one orange juice please" said Owen Graecie complied before starring at him "wait Owen holy shit what happened to you?" Asked Graecie handing him an orange juice noticing the scars lingering down his body.

"I've been training to control it, sabotaging it in every way I can" explained Owen. Graecie nodded as she let him drink his orange juice before dragging him home.

"Hey I'm home!" Called Owen casually just entering the building everyone stared at him gasps and shocked people noises were all he heard.

"Dad!" He heard someone scream before being hugged by multiple childre- well he should say teenagers but hey they were still his kids technically so yeah.

"Welcome home"

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