Before the maze (campfire duo plus graecie)

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Owen sighed as he watched the sun scorch the room in front of him.

No one in this group was truly inoccent He knew that and so did everyone else.

He was made to be this way, after all if not raised to kill would he have been able to bring peace?

Well probably not but maybe then he would of at least hoped or accepted it that's why he was glad to go to the maze.

His memories would be gone he would get to turn over a new leaf he saw most of the group look at him with fear.

"I won't hurt you" that's what he said to them hands in the air, he was waiting for his turn for the process.

He somehow convinced everyone that's when some people where dragged in.

One placed next to him he knew that person somehow he couldn't place a finger on it.

Then It clicked the gardener, Someone that somehow still managed to care for him after all he had done Magic.

"Why are you in here?" He asked obviously annoyed at the watchers "Because anyone that was close to you got sentenced to the maze" Said Magic told the elder. "Alright kid, I'm fine with me being in the maze but you aren't wait a minute...."

That's when the two looked over and saw Graecie "GRAECIE!?. No reconnection "Sis!" Owen exclaimed trying again as she was dragged into the shaft room.

It was already to late for them he knew that when he felt a pericing pain threw his back.

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