?!Owen!? 1/?

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People where confused as there 'leader' slowly walked toward Magic a long sword in his hand that said girl had given him.

Everyone was confused, why was he trying to kill Magic, this couldn't be him could it? Or was this the real him the one they've seen being fake?

No that couldn't be right could it? Well it's not like they had much time to process anything granted Owen was trying to kill there friend.

"It's not just graecie that cares about you"
"Do you know how much I care about you?"
"I got you no it was a stupid idea"

Owen stopped suddenly and put his hands over his ears "SHUT UP STAY OUT OF THIS" he snapped seemingly at thin air Magic used this as a chance to scramble toward the crowd.

Owens response was to hold out a spear and get ready to shoot
"GET AWAY FROM THEM!" Owen could hardly focus as he fell down "SHUT UP!" Screamed Owen continuing to confuse everyone.

"Owen?" Asked Magic slowly approaching him "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" Screamed Owen.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I CARE ABOUT THEM? MAGIC, GRAECIE, RASBI, APO HELL EVEN KROW!" Owen sighed "well it's not enough or I wouldn't be the one in control now would I?" Asked Owen.


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