Cheesy Creepy

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Chapter thirty-five: "Cheesy Creepy"

"Angel this is stupid"

"What's so stupid about checking your injury?" I asked him while chasing him around

He stopped when he got farther away from me "Uhm the part where you're gonna check my lower region, you pervert"

"Stop calling me pervert when you're usually the one who is always the pervert in this relationship!" I said loudly to him as I threw one of my bunny slippers at him

Cloud crossed his arms at me when he reached behind the kitchen counter "Oh really? Then name every perverted thing that I have ever done to you?"

I cracked my knuckles and a smirk formed on my fave
I have been waiting for this opportunity in my entire life

"First of when we weren't officially dating at the time you kissed my tummy while you were hiding under the duvet trying to hide from Nick, the neck kiss when we were on the train to Banff, you stole my first kiss when I was drunk, you were so close to me when I wore only a towel before, you-" "Alright I think you're gonna run out of breath saying all of it in one go"

I put one hand on my hip and made a sassy face "So now do you get what I say who is the most perverted one in this relationship?"

He puts on a sly smirk "Fine, I do accept I'm you" he then proceeded to wink at me which got me rolling my eyes to the back of my head
This is so cheesy creepy

One by one I slowly take small steps closer to Cloud, I managed to trap him at the corner between the counter and the refrigerator "Now how about we check it hm?"

As for his final resort, Cloud bent down and carried me over his shoulder which caught me off guard "Hey! Put me down" my hand started to slap his behind trying to force him to put me down

"Keep slapping my but like that and you'll get yours too" he teased me
We were getting too bold in somebody's penthouse

He threw me on the sofa and started to go on top of me "This seems like a perfect setting"

I nervously laugh and gulped "W-what setting?"
Wait! Are we gonna do it in the living room?!

Cloud leaned in and kissed me deeply "This is what I mean" his hand started to reach for the hem of my tank top but before he could try pulling it up he glanced at me and asked, "Do you wish to proceed?"

I snorted right in front of his face
What the fuck is this? A bank loan dealership?

"dO yOu WIsH To PrOcEEd?" I mimicked his voice before laughing hard in front of his face
When it was supposed to be a hot moment between your lover but it became a bank loan dealership

We both laughed until our stomachs hurt that we can't laugh much but it was still so funny that our laughs wouldn't die down

Me and Cloud were out of breath to the point that he got tired from too much laughing that he slumped his body on mine, making me feel his heavyweight due to his pure muscled body

He lazily started peppering kisses on my cheeks while holding my hand, right after he was done he rested his head on my chest and we enjoyed the peaceful silence in the room as the raindrop sounds that keep hitting the window slowly disappeared

We heard the front door being unlocked and there entered the twins Oliver and Mason who saw us on the couch with Cloud resting on top of me like a lazy seal

The twins cringed at the sight of us "Ew get a room" Mason gagged while entering the living room with his backpack slung on one shoulder

"Why are you both here?" I asked them while they started rummaging the fridge looking for food

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