Long Face

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Chapter one hundred five: "Long Face"

We fixed our clothes and hair before stepping out of the bedroom where we found out that it was chaos in the living room. Everybody was so loud that not even a single person could be heard unless you were close to him or her
Which is good on our part

Cloud checked his watch "The cars would be here at any minute, time to go down guys"

While everybody is starting to pick which one will go first, Adeline stepped out of the guest washroom with a wet face freshmen from being washed

"What happened to you?" I asked before walking into the kitchen and trapping some tissues to hand to her

Adeline bit her lip as she looks at the tissue I'm holding and then at me "Yeah...I'll go ask for some holy water spray from Mason" she said in a quiet voice

We looked at each other when it clicked inside my mind "Wait you did not..."

She rubbed her ears "God I wish I could forget that noise, hearing you were unintentional though"

I pointed my finger at her "What were you doing near Cloud's door to hear us?"

Adeline pulled out a pad in her pocket "I was gonna change but I can't find the bathroom"

My hands formed a prayer position then I pleaded "Please don't tell Mom and Dad"

She hunched her back and rolled her eyes before stuffing back her pad into her pant pocket "What are they gonna do? Ground you? And besides, hearing you is traumatizing enough" then proceeded to join in with some of the people in the elevator

I was left there frozen in shock
Not only does she hear us do it, but she is also left traumatized

Both the palm of my hands went to massage my temples to help me not get a migraine from getting stressed apart from Vivi who heard us, it was Adeline this time
I mean, they did know about it but letting them hear it is another story. The type that no one should know about

Cloud saw me frozen in shock near the kitchen counter trying to stabilize myself. He held my forearm like using himself as my support "You ok?"

I nodded without saying a word but he knew already that I don't feel ok

I try to move to get my luggage but he didn't let go of my forearm "Tell me what is wrong, I can't think straight knowing that you are not ok" he demanded

My eyes scanned the room to make sure that most of them are far away from us, I lightly pull down Cloud to my level and whisper in his ear "Adeline heard us, she's now traumatized"

A deep chuckle came out from him "It's not like people would reprimand us doing it, we are adults now not teens"

I squinted my eyes at him "But we did start it as teens"

He shrugged at me like he just accepts the fact we did do it as teens until we become adults. This left me scratching my head
Maybe he is right, we are adults now and it's our choice if we want to do it or not


We stood at the front of the airport with all of our luggage, Chris and Jonathan decided to accompany us to say goodbye

I hugged Chris "I guess this is goodbye"

Chris laughed "Goodbyes don't mean forever girl, we're still breathing so we'll see each other soon"

In my peripheral vision, I saw Cloud still having a sour face whenever I'm with Chris regardless if he knew he was gay or not "Cloud I can see you" I spoke

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