The beginning!

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Dorinda tried to push aside her guilt and shame, telling herself that their affair was just a temporary escape from the monotony of her marriage. But as the years passed, the weight of their secret became heavier and heavier, threatening to crush her under its burden.  As she lay there, lost in her thoughts, the rain continued to fall outside, a constant reminder of the darkness that had seeped into her soul. And as she looked over at John Drew, sleeping peacefully beside her, she knew that she was trapped in a web of deceit and desire from which there was no escape.

✨Excuse any typos or spelling mistakes ✨

July 31st, 1986

Dorinda POV

Greg: You're really leaving again, huh?

Dorinda: Yeah, baby, I told you, Drew and I are going to preach at Joy Fest in North Carolina. I'll be back Saturday night.

Dorinda leans in for a kiss, but Greg pushes her away.

Dorinda: Baby, don't be like that, please.

Greg: Every time I turn around, you're gone.

Dorinda: You act like I'm doing something bad.

Greg: Dorinda You're never here; you're constantly gone. I hardly see you, and our daughter hardly sees you—that's what's wrong!

Dorinda: I'm working on my ministry, okay? I'm serving God, and I'm setting an example for Nikkia!

Greg: And what example is that, Doe, huh?

Dorinda: To serve the Lord and use my gift to reach people.

Greg: While neglecting your wifely duties, right?

Dorinda's heart ached as she watched her husband, sitting across from her with a look of disappointment in his eyes. She knew she had been neglecting him, too caught up in the demands of motherhood and work to truly be present in their marriage.

Dorinda: Honey, I'm sorry...

She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dorinda: I know I haven't been the wife you deserve and I-

Nikki: Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!

Just then, Nikki, the couple's six-year-old daughter, sashayed into the room with her Jem pajamas and Doris Abrona Cabbage Patch Doll. Nikki looks down and sees Dorinda's orange suit case half full.

Nikki: Aww, Mama, are you leaving again?

Dorinda: Yes, baby, but I'll be back Saturday night, okay?

Nikki: Oh, I'm going to miss you, mommy; you're always gone.

Dorinda felt her heart sink. Not only did she feel like a bad mom, but Nikki, in so many words, confirmed it.

Dorinda: I'll tell you what we'll do Sunday after church: skip the whole family dinner and go to the mall and the movies.

Nikki: Does Daddy have to come?

Nikki's side eyes her father.

Dorinda: Just you and me, I promise, boo.

They lock pinkies and smiled.

Drew POV

Drew: Karen, have you seen my cuff links?

Karen: There in your nightstand, baby

Drew approaches his side of the bed, pulls open the drawer, and finds them there. Suddenly, he hears tiny yet distinct footsteps approaching him. Upon glancing over, he notices his one-year-old daughter Kierra dashing towards him—without a diaper. Drew can't contain his laughter as he lifts her up, and she grins back at him.

Karen: Kierra, come here, girl.

Drew: You are running from Mommy, huh?

Kierra laughed some more and hid her face. Her mother came running into the bedroom with a diaper in one hand and wipes in the other.

Karen: Girl, what did I tell you about running when I'm trying to change you?

Drew: Haha, you are so silly, KiKi, here. Let mommy change you, dada's gotta pack.

Karen: Oh, see, Ki daddy's leaving us again.

Karen makes a pouty face, and so does Kierra.

Drew: Come on now; you know how much I miss both my girls when I'm gone, but this'll be good for us, Kare. Soon I won't have to travel that much, and we'll have our own church together, right here in Detroit.

He pulls her into a kiss, and smacks her butt.

Karen: Mhm, your right I just miss you when you're away, that's all.

Drew: And I miss you too, but it's only 2 days. I'll be back Saturday night, okay?

Karen: Okay, babe.

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