Remember me?

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Dorinda POV

Dorinda: I love you boo

Nikki: I love you too mama

Dorinda: Have a good day

Nikki: Thanks you too

Nikki got on the school bus and waved at Dorinda as the doors closed, Dorinda waved back and blew her a kiss, she couldn't believe her baby was old enough to ride the school bus now.  As the bus drove off Doe walked back inside the house. She heard Greg walking around upstairs she looked at the clock and saw that he needed to be out of there in 4 minutes. She rushed to the kitchen and grabbed his lunch (she'd been making him sandwich's and wraps for the last 3 weeks but he didn't seem to mind) Greg ran downstairs and straight to the kitchen.

Greg: Nikki gone?

Dorinda: Yeah her bus just left

Greg: Can't believe she's old enough to ride the bus now

Dorinda: I was just thinking that

Greg walks towards Dorinda grabbing her waist and rubbing her ass.

Greg: Last night was fantastic babe

Dorinda: Yeah?

Greg: What?!  babe when you was riding me and playing with my balls I thought I was gonna explode shit felt so good 

Dorinda laughed that's exactly what she wanted.

Greg: But look if I don't go imma be late I'll see you when I get home

Greg kisses her.

Dorinda: See you later baby make that money!!

Greg laughs as he walks out the kitchen but comes back seconds later.

Greg: We're going out to dinner tonight me you and baby girl we haven't had family time in a while

Dorinda: Yayyy okay Nikki's gonna be so excited

Greg: Good ight love you Doe

Dorinda: Love you too honey

Dorinda smiled this was the perfect morning. She washed the dishes did some laundry, cleaned her bedroom and was moving on to Nikki's.

Dorinda: Lord this little girl can make a mess

Then she heard the phone ring, she ran to her bedroom to pick it up.

Dorinda: Hello?

Twinkie: Hey stranger

Dorinda: Twinkie stop

Twinkie: What I haven't heard from you in weeks Doe I "saw" you at Michaels party but you were late for most of it and basically disappeared for 20 mins then you just avoided all of us what's going on with you

Dorinda: Nothing I've just been busy you know

Twinkie: No because I haven't talked to you

Dorinda: I'm sorry okay Twink but look it's not personal I haven't really talked to anybody

That was the first time Dorinda had actually realized that. Since the affair started with Drew she's been avoiding everyone!  Before this she and her sisters would have 3 way or 4 way phone calls and talk for hours now whenever they called she'd make an excuse to get off the phone. Although Dorinda hated when people said it she was a Chatty Cathy and her biggest fear was slipping up and mentioning Drew.

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