You Shall Receive Pt.2

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October 19th 1986

Drew POV

As Drew drove down the highway he was pissed. They were on there way to Dorinda's surprise party which is the last place he wanted to be going. One, it was being thrown by that Rottweiler looking husband of hers. Two, he couldn't be able to fuck her while they were there. Three, he came home from work four days ago and Karen dropped a bomb on him that she was pregnant. She was so excited about it Karen wanted their kids to close in age. Drew wasn't excited though, yes they had talked about having another child but that was just pillow talk to him. But that didn't matter Karen went to the doctors and they confirmed it she was 5 weeks pregnant and due on June 20th.

Karen: I can't wait to tell everyone about the baby

Drew: It's Dorinda's birthday Karen maybe we should wait to make the announcement at another time

Karen: She's my sister Drew she doesn't care!

Drew: You told her?!

Drew felt his heart began to beat faster as he tried to focus on road while trying to look at Karen too.

Karen: She was there when I took the test Drew...

Drew: What?!? Why didn't you tell me this before huh?

Drew still thought about what happened at the last conference. He saw how hurt Dorinda was and he knew that women don't forget that kinda thing. He worried that Doe would want to end things after that  but then again she did let him fuck a couple days ago and she seemed fine. But Drew knew that didn't matter because with Karen being pregnant Dorinda would definitely want to end their affair now.

Karen: It's not that big of a deal baby she-

Drew: Why was she with you taking a pregnancy test? Where was this?

Karen shrugged her shoulders and turned her head out the window.

Drew: Karen you better answer me!

Karen: At her house look...Dorinda thought she might be pregnant so I told her to take a test but she was scared and nervous so I took one with her and that's how we both found out. And we wanted it to be a big surprise to the whole family at her birthday dinner, that I also spilled the beans to her about but she wasn't mad and the only reason I told you was because I know how you hate when I keep things from you so...

Drew was in shock, Dorinda was pregnant and he just knew that he was the father.

Drew: How far along is she?

Karen: Im not sure I know she went to the doctors today but I haven't talked to her since yesterday morning why do you wanna know?

Drew: Cause...

Drew fell silent for a second.

Drew: Cause we travel and preach together so if she's pregnant I should have been the 1st to know!

Karen looked at Drew like he was insane.

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