Prepare Yourself Pt.2

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May 17th, 1988

Dorinda's POV

Doctor: It looks like you have another visitor, and, thank God, I have another patient. I will be back to speak with you a little later; excuse me, ma'am.

The doctor gave a light smile before he walked out, leaving Drew, Dorinda, and their son alone for the first time in almost a year. Doe entered the room and closed the door behind her, keeping her back towards her ex-lover, scared to face him.

Drew: Hi...

He said it in a low voice. Drew was so overwhelmed with emotion, that was all he could say. He'd been begging for her to come see him since he first opened his eyes in the hospital room.

Drew: You came...

Doe turned around and gave a weak smile.

Dorinda: Yeah, I did; I don't know why, but here I am.

Drew looked her up and down; he just couldn't believe she was standing in front of him, and she brought their baby too.

Drew: Let me see my son.

Dorinda: Drew, I didn't come here for that; I came too-

Drew: Let me see my son, Doe!

Dorinda: He's not your son! See, this is why I didn't want to come; you just don't quit.

Drew: Doe I-

Dorinda: Doe nothing! What the hell is it that you want? You have been harassing Karen, telling her I need to come up here, so what's up?

Drew: Sit down.

Dorinda: No, I'm fine standing.

Drew: Dorinda just sit the fuck down and listen to what I need to say!

Dorinda: Fine!

She threw herself into the chair and looked at him, waiting for whatever was about to come out of his mouth. The tension in the room was heavy enough to cut with a knife.

Dorinda: Speak!

Drew: Don't rush me!

Dorinda: Mhm, I see you still haven't changed.

Drew: What's that supposed to mean?

Dorinda: As I just said, your ass hasn't changed; it's been a year, and you've still got that same negative energy and bad attitude. You beg me to come see you, but for what reasons you still the same old John Drew, hasn't nothing changed!

Drew: I don't need to change anything; I'm fine. Well accept the fact that I just took a knife to the guts for you!

Dorinda: So, I didn't ask you to do that, did I? Did I yell "Hey Drew, come get in this angry white man's face"?

Drew: Well, your husband just stood there and did nothing, like the little bitch boy he is!

Dorinda: Don't you talk about my husband; he's a good man, a better man than your stupid ass will ever be. If anything, YOU, the "bitch boy"! Greg is the one who got you a job, so you could stop begging your dad for money. You should be thanking him for giving you one, and you better thank me for convincing him to do it.

Drew: Bitch, the only thing you ever gave me was my son—a hard on and a headache. Your skinny ass doesn't even compare to my woman!

Dorinda: Oh yeah? Mhm, let's see: "Doe I wish Karen looked like you", "I wish she had your eyes and your hair and your body," "I wish you were Kierra's mother," "I wish I married you before Greg did." Ring a bell, nigga?

Drew: That was pillow talk. I said what I needed to get you out of them drawers, and each time I did! You ain't nothing but a whore to me!

Dorinda: Oh yeah?

Drew: Yeah.

Dorinda stood up, placing Jr. on the chair.

Dorinda: Stay right there, mama's baby; don't move.

Drew stared at his ex-lover, watching her go over to the window and close the curtain. Doe made her way over to his bed, giving him an evil smirk before punching the fire out of his right side, just above his stab wound.

Drew: Ahhhh!!

John screamed, Doe covered his mouth, punching his side again, before making her way about to Jr.

Drew: You dumb bitch!

He whined while holding onto his side.

Drew: Imma kill you!

Dorinda: Oh, please, you said that when you tried to choke me out after I gave birth to him, and guess what? I'm still alive, bitch!

Doe giggled uncontrollably. Drew had hurt her in more ways than one, and it felt so good to finally get her lick back!

Dorinda: Now for the last time, why did you call me up here, John?

Drew, who was still wincing with pain, tried his best to answer.

Drew: I wanted to see my son!

Dorinda: Oh, wait, Karen hasn't brought J. Drew up here yet? I thought she would have.

She said she was picking up Greg Jr. and placing him back on her hip. Drew sat up, looking as pissed as ever.

Drew: You know what I mean, girl.

Dorinda: No, I don't, because this is Gregory Cole's son, not yours.

Drew: Then prove it; let's take a DNA test, and then we'll see who his father is, even though it's a waste of time and money because we both know I'm his daddy.

Dorinda: Mhm.

That was all she could say. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Jr. was really Drew's child, but knowing something and having real physical and biological proof about something, are two different scenarios.

Dorinda: I'm not testing my son.

Drew: Alright, then I'll just sue you for paternity.

Dorinda: Sue me for what?

Drew: Paternity. I've already talked to one of my boys from college; he's a big-time lawyer now, and he owns his own law firm that deals with all types of visitation and custody.

Dorinda felt her chest get tighter, and her palms were starting to sweeten. Was he serious?

Drew: I talked to him a few days before the party, and he knows that once paternity is established, I'll get visitation, and as he gets older, we'll start talking about custody. I'm not playing about my son, Doe! The sooner you get that, the better off we'll all be.

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