Act Like You Know! Pt.2

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January 6th 1987

Dorinda POV

It's been 3 months since Dorinda went to her mothers house and told her about the affair. While being able to tell someone gave her some sort of ease, and she was finally getting more comfortable with the fact that she was expecting again.The fear of this baby being Drew's was growing more intense everyday. Doe was now 5 months pregnant and getting bigger by the second.

Dorinda: Nikki you did you put your shoes on?

Dorinda yelled as she walked down the hallway and into Nikki's bedroom.

Nikki: I can't find the other one mommy!

Dorinda: Nikki come on I already missed my last appointment because I was late, look under your bed!

Today was the day Doe found out what the baby's gender was, so she let Nikki stay home from school to come with her. She prayed that Greg wouldn't care since it was a Friday; Dorinda had been either keeping Nikki home or picking her up early, almost 2 or 3 times a week. The school sent home a later saying if it continued they'd consider holding Nikki back because she was missing class.

Nikki: Found it!

Nikki held up the shoe and smiled as she put it on her foot.

Dorinda: Alright now come on boo

They rush to the car and speed to the appointment. Dorinda made it just on time, as they walked in the nurse called her name. After a few minutes of waiting the Doctor walked in the exam room.

Dorinda: Hey Doc

Dr. Davidson: Dorinda hi it's good to see you and Nikkia my goodness look how much you've grown

Nikki: Hi! are you going to show us mommy's belly?!

Dr. Davidson: Yeah in a little while but I've gotta ask your mommy some questions first okay

Nikki: Oh okay

After the Doctor asked Dorinda some questions about her diet and her overall health she started the ultrasound.

Nikki: Ooo mommy look there's the baby

Dorinda: I see

Nikki: I'm so excited!

Dorinda: Me too boo

Dorinda gave Nikki a smile and looked back at the screen.

Dr. Davidson: Well let's take a look shall we

While Doctor Davidson moved the probe around her stomach, Dorinda felt herself getting nervous. Having another baby was already scary especially with the circumstances surrounding her life, but finding out the gender was going to make this even more real.

Dr. Davidson: Okay Nikkia would you like to know what your mommy is having?

Nikki nodded her head and smiled.

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