Miracle Pt.1

253 12 38

A Month Later


Karen POV

Drew: Karen I'm not about to keep arguing with you about this shit anymore

Karen: We wouldn't have to argue if you just answered my questions John!

Drew: Girl I told you I was busy

Karen: Doing what?

Drew: ...Nothing

Karen: So you soooo busy doing "nothing" that you couldn't call me and let me know you were okay?  Then you hang up on me when I'm trying to talk to you!! Are you for real Drew?

Drew walks out of the bedroom and down the hallway, Karen walks after him, she was pissed. For the last couple weeks he'd been doing this, traveling and not calling home to check in and the rare times she did get him on the phone it was like he'd try to start an argument to get off.

Karen: Drew don't walk away from me I'm talking to you!

Drew ignores her and walks down the stairs he grabs his jacket from the coat hook.

Karen: Where are you going?!

Drew: I'm sick of you questioning me girl

The snare Drew gave her sent chills through her body, he truly looked disgusted by her in that moment. Drew slammed the door on his way out and then she heard his car start and pull off.

Karen: Oh lord

Karen walked back upstairs and into her bedroom, she saw Kierra laying across the bed sound asleep. She decided to shower and start her day. As she looked in the mirror thoughts began to wander through her head. Maybe he really was doing nothing and just forgot or maybe...maybe Drew was cheating on her. No he couldn't he wasn't that kind of guy, Drew came from a good family and he was a great man. While she was doing her hair Karen picked up the phone to call Dorinda and surprisingly her big sister answered this time.

Dorinda: Hello?

Karen: Hey Doe

Dorinda: Karen hey what's going on sis?

Karen: Nothing...actually a lot can I come over I really need to talk?

Dorinda: Yeah of course Kare

Karen: Okay let me finish my hair and get Kiki ready and I'll be there in like an hour!

Dorinda: Alright I'll be waiting

Karen: Okay bye

Dorinda: Bye

They hang up and Karen feels a sense of relief. She missed talking to her sister and she knew that Dorinda would help her figure out what was going on with Drew.

Drew POV

Dorinda: Shit Drew you gotta go she's on her way here!

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