Bless This House pt.3

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September 24th 1987

Dorinda POV 

Dorinda: I know son, I'm coming!

Dorinda said as Jr cried, it was time for him to eat...again. He screamed his head off in Karen's arms, while Dorinda put the milk she just pumped into the fridge.

Karen: Oh I know sweetheart, your mommy is taking forever with your boobies tell her to hurry it up!

Dorinda: I'm coming! I can only do but so much, It was hard enough trying to pump enough milk for you,mommy's big boy

She said, coming back into the living room unbuttoning her shirt and picking up Jr to give him the breast milk he'd been crying the last 5 minutes for. She tickled his belly and put her boob in his mouth. Dorinda sat down next to her sister, her 4 month old son and her 2 month old nephew too.

Karen: Good Lord Dorinda, this boy eats so much!

They both laughed at Jr who was chowing down  on Dorinda's boobs.

Dorinda: I know right! I've been trying to give him the bottle but he refuses, so I've been just saving what I pump for when he's older, but that's okay he's still mommies fat man huh, my big boy?

Dorinda said kissing his head and rubbing Jr's big, little foot.

Karen: Girl I'm still shocked that Jacky's having another one too!

Dorinda: Me too, I hope she gets her little girl

Karen: Yeah, girl I still can't believe both of us boys though!

Dorinda: I know right, look at God! And there both so handsome, ain't that right Nephew?

They said looking at Karen's newborn son named John Drew Sheard II, after his father. He was asleep in his bassinet and Kierra was asleep in her own bedroom. Dorinda just so happened to be in the neighborhood after she came from lunch with her friends from 'Mommy and Me' classes: so she decided to swing and visit Karen before picking Nikki up from school.
J Drew.

Dorinda: I bet Drew's enjoying having a son huh?

Karen: No...not really it's like he doesn't want to be involved. He doesn't want to feed him, bathe him, clothe him, put him to bed, it's rare that he actually holds him, Doe. It's like he disconnected from his whole family, he doesn't even spend  that much time with Kierra anymore, and he just flat out ignores me. At first, I thought it was because we had another boy, so maybe he was thinking about the stillborn that we had before Kierra, Drew had a really beautiful connection with the that baby before he was born and I mean that a way, our first born son

Dorinda didn't really know what to say. She and Drew hadn't slept together since the day she went into labor it was like their affair had seemingly faded away. 4 months ago, when Mattie gave Dorinda a month to come clean to Greg and Karen, Doe wanted to die. She had no idea how to tell her husband or sister about what she'd done, about 3 weeks after Mattie's ultimatum Dorinda finally called Drew at work and told him to come over Saturday like he had been in the months before. But this time she didn't apologize or talk dirty. Dorinda was right to the point telling Drew "Our families are not going to survive if we don't talk about this". He  agreed to come over and that was it. Drew was excited about seeing her and his baby but that excitement wouldn't last too long.


Drew POV

Drew was surprisingly nervous as he reached in the backseat and grabbed the bouquet of flowers for Dorinda and huge basket filled with baby things for his son. He walked into the house and instead of walking up the stairs like he normally would, Drew heard the baby crying and walked into the kitchen. There was Dorinda rocking their son back and forth trying to soothe him. Dorinda looked exhausted but still somehow managed to look incredibly sexy at the same time. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing baggy sweatpants and a tank top with no bra and food stains on it. John could see her trying to get the baby to drink a bottle but he wasn't letting up, he just screamed louder.

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