Nobody But God

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May 8th 1987

Dorinda POV

Nikki: Mommy I made something for you!

Nikki said jumping off the steps of the school bus, holding something square shaped in her hand. She turned back around and waved goodbye to her bus driver, then back to Dorinda handing her a picture frame.

Dorinda: You made this for me?!

Nikki: Yes I did, do you like it?

Dorinda: I love it Nikki thank you so much babygirl

Nikki: You're welcome mom

All week Nikki had been bringing Dorinda gifts. It was the week of Mother's Day and her class did a project everyday. On Monday they drew portraits of their mothers, Tuesday the made mugs, Wednesday Nikki planted a flower and decorated the pot, Thursday it was a bracelet and today she made a cute picture frame with all kinds of flowers and hearts on it.

Dorinda: Nikki slow down boo

Nikki: I'm not even walking fast

Dorinda: Yes you are

She said trying to catch her breath, Dorinda was 9 months pregnant and due in a week. The baby was now 9.34 lb and 19.13 inches long, he constantly kicked (probably because he had no room to move in there) he also sat directly on her bladder, making her pee every 15 minutes. Hell even the simplest things; like walking wore her out. Nikki made it to the front door and walked inside.

Nikki: Hank?! Hank?! Where are you?

Dorinda walked in the house and closed the door. She sat in a chair near by desperately trying to catch her breath again. Nikki ran down the stairs and up to her mother with tears in her eyes.

Nikki: Mommy!! I can't find Hank

Dorinda: He's probably under your bed Nik

Nikki: No he's not there!! He's lost he ran away!!

Dorinda: I'm sure he's somewhere around here

Dorinda got up and slowly helped Nikki look. After about 20 minutes of looking and calling his name, it was clear that Hank wasn't there. Dorinda started to panic but she didn't want Nikki to worry so she tried her best to hide it.

Dorinda: Nikki go look upstairs one more time okay

Nikki: Okay

Nikki said before running upstairs again. Dorinda waddled her way to the phone and dialed a number.

Greg: Hello?

Dorinda: Honey!

Greg: What's wrong baby?

Dorinda: We can't find Hank, Nikki and I looked all over the place for him but he's not here!!!

Greg: Shit, alright look I'll be home as soon as I can okay

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