Hero Pt.1

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May 18th, 1988

Greg's POV

Dorinda: Oh, baby, let's play that one!

She pointed at the ring-toss booth. They'd been at the carnival for about forty minutes now, and Greg was having a great time. His wife was smiling; they were vibing, and he was killing these games. He'd already won Doe four stuffed animals, and now she wanted him to win a goldfish.

Greg: Baby, what are you going to do with a fish?

Dorinda: Nikki and Jr. can keep it as a pet.

Greg: Those things always die within a day or two.

Dorinda: Okay, but this one won't. We'll take really good care of it. Come on, baby, please, win me a fish!

She whined, batting her pretty eyes and flashing that beautiful smile.

Greg: Fine.

Dorinda: Yay!

They walked over to the ring toss and were greeted by a young kid with perhaps the ugliest mullet on God's green earth.

Young man: Alright, welcome to the ring toss. The rules are simple: take those five rings right there. Aim to get the rings to land over the pins. If you get four or more rings over a pin, you win a fish.

Dorinda: You got this baby!

Greg: Do you believe in me?

Dorinda: Of course I do. Now win me my fish, Daddy, come on!

Greg pulled his wife closer to him, giving her a passionate kiss. As they pulled apart, he took a deep look into her hazel eyes and noticed that although she was smiling and having a good time, there was still so much pain from the incident that occurred an hour before.

Young Man: Excuse me, other people want to play too...

Greg: My bad man.

Greg picked up the rings, took a deep breath, and began tossing, determined to get his woman that fish.

Dorinda: Easy baby, don't throw it too hard.

Greg threw the first one and missed, he looked and turned to Doe who was smiling, while giving him two thumbs up, for support.

Drew POV

Doctor Wright: Wait, so she never came?

Drew: Nah, man! And she promised me that she'd be here. I can't believe that girl.

Drew was pissed; he'd spent all day starting at the door, waiting for Dorinda to walk through it, and she never did. And visiting hours had ended over an hour ago.

Doctor Wright: Maybe something happened?

Drew: If she wasn't dead or in another hospital somewhere, then it wasn't that important. I'm tired of her shitman.

Doctor Wright: So why not leave her alone?

Drew: What?

Doctor Wright: I don't know; I was thinking about everything you told me, and maybe you just need to let her go, man.

Drew: What??

Doctor Wright: Look, Drew.

Drew: Nah, Doc, you sound crazy!

Doctor Wright: You love her, right?

Drew: Yes, I already told you that.

Doctor Wright: And you want to be with her?

Drew: Yeah.

Doctor Wright: And you told her this?

Drew: Countless times, I've told her I love her, I need her, and I want to be with her and our son.

Doctor Wright: And yet, she still doesn't want you, and I'm not saying that you hurt your brother. I mean, I don't know you that well, but you seem like a great guy, and you should be with a woman who wants to be with you. Now, when it comes to your son, I think you should figure that situation out with her, but if she wants to be with her husband, who's rich and has a kid with her too, I say cut your losses and move on.

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