Time To Seek The Lord Pt.2

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February 3rd 1988


Dorinda POV

Dorinda sighed out of frustration and guilt. She prayed for God to keep her mother quiet about the affair with John, but she never wanted this. A couple hours passed, and Dorinda realized that she wouldn't be able to pick Nikki up from school, so hesitantly, she took Jr. and found a pay phone to call her estranged husband.

Dorinda: Let's pray your dad decides to answer the phone.

Greg Jr.: DaDa

Dorinda: Mhm, yeah, DaDa.

Dorinda said sarcastically before putting the quarter into the slot and then dialing Greg's office number.

Greg Jr.: Dada Dada.

Dorinda: He's not answering, baby.

Greg: Hello?

Dorinda: Greg, it's me.

Greg: What do you want? Are my kids okay?

Dorinda scoffed and rolled her eyes. That's how Greg answered the phone whenever Dorinda called him lately. He made it abundantly clear every time they spoke that if it wasn't about the kids, he didn't want to talk to her.

Dorinda: See, Jr., Daddy did answer, but he chose to answer and be an asshole.

Greg: Don't ever disrespect me in front of my son!

Dorinda: Oh Greg! Just shut up. Listen, I need you to go get Nikki from school for me.

Greg: Dorinda You've got one fucking responsibility, and that is to pick Nikki up from her after-school program on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Dorinda: I know what my responsibilities are, Gregory. Okay, look, the doctors are saying my mama had another stroke, and now she's got a UTI, and all this stuff is just

Greg: Ok, okay, say no more. I'm sorry about your mama, Doe. I'll pick Nikki up from school, and then I'll swing by and get Jr. too.

Dorinda: Thank you.

Greg: You're welcome, Doe.

Dorinda hung up the phone and felt tears drop to her cheeks. Greg had moved out the week they got back from Honolulu because he assumed Dorinda had been cheating too.


December 27th 1987

Greg POV

Greg: Are you still there, man?

Keith: Listen, brother, if she's not showing any signs that she's hurt... She's probably been doing the same thing you have.

Greg felt his heart drop. Then a sudden burst of anger erupted inside of him.

Greg: I'll call you back, man.

Keith: G, I didn't-

Greg slammed the phone down and marched straight downstairs to speak with his wife.

Greg: Dorinda..Dorinda!

Dorinda: I'm in the kitchen, honey!

Greg walked into the kitchen to see his wife, mother, and sister-in-law talking and laughing.

Janet: Good morning, son.

Greg: I need to talk to you right now!

Greg grabbed Dorinda's arm, pulling her into the living room.

Dorinda: Ouch, why are you grabbing me?

Greg: Tell me the truth, have you been sleeping with someone?

Dorinda's eyes got super wide.

Dorinda: What?!

Greg: You heard me! That's why you're not mad at me, right? Because you've been doing the same thing!

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