Bless This House Pt.1

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May 10th 1987

Dorinda POV

Dr. Lewis: Alright Mrs.Cole one more big push, we're almost there!

Dorinda: You said that a damn hour ago!

Dorinda said groaning in pain. She'd been in labor for almost 30 hours and had been pushing for the last 3 hours.

Greg: Come on baby you got this

Greg said kissing her lips, Doe had sweat dripping down her face, her eyes were big and she was screaming like a damn banshee.

Dr. Lewis: Come on Mrs Cole, push on my count okay, 1..2..3 push!

Dorinda hollered but soon she felt the baby slip out. Her son was here! He began crying as they placed him on her chest. The nurses wiped the blood off of him and Dorinda started crying. Happy that her baby was finally here, though she was agitated because of the pain she was still in. But Doe was trying to enjoy this moment with her newborn son.

Greg: Look at our son baby girl, he's huge and he looks just like me!

Greg said making her frown. Looking back at her baby Doe thought to herself "He looks just like Drew". But she'd be damned if she was going to spend any time thinking about that nigga, or get aggravated with the fact that he was possibility the father of her child, especially after what he did yesterday!

Dr. Lewis: Congratulations Mr and Mrs Cole! here's your baby boy

The doctors said minutes later after taking the baby to clean him up and placing him back in his mothers arms.

Dr. Lewis: He's 10 pounds 20 ounces and 22 inches long a perfect healthy son

Greg: Jesus 10 pounds really?

Dr lewis: Yes! Out of the 300 babies I've delivered in my career so far...he's the biggest

Greg: Breaking Records already aren't you son?! You hear that baby he was 10 pounds

Dorinda: Yeah that's crazy

Dorinda said kinda nonchalantly, she tried her best to soak in this moment. But Doe just couldn't help but think: "This baby is a Sheard".

Greg: Babe?

Greg said breaking her train of horrific thoughts.

Dorinda: Hm?

Greg: I forgot to mention that yesterday the nurse said while I was gone to pick Nikki up from school some man was here yelling at you and the security guards had to take him out the room. Who was that and what was that about? How come you didn't mention it to me? I would've went after him and beat his ass for doing some shit like that. I just forgot to mention it because when I came back they said u started trying to push a little!

He said stroking her hair into place so it wouldn't be in her face. Dorinda froze for a second, but she expected this. Yesterday Drew came up to the hospital demanding to be in the room when she had the baby, he started screaming and yelling and cursing so the nurses had to kick him out. But once again Dorinda lied...even on a day like today.

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