This Christmas Pt.1

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December 21st 1987

Dorinda POV

Nikki: Mommy, it's scary in that room

Nikki said from the backseat of the car. The Coles were going to visit Mama Mattie since they'd be going to Hawaii with Greg's family for Christmas this year.

Dorinda: It scares me too Boo, but granny really wants to see you, I told you she misses you so much

Nikki: I miss her too I just don't like all the beeping noises and those tubes

Greg: Yeah but those machines and tubes  are what's helping Granny get better so she can come home peanut

Nikki: Really?

Dorinda & Greg: Yeah

Nikki: Is Granny gonna come home soon?

Greg: Well the doctor are trying Nik but-

Dorinda: Of course she sis baby!

Dorinda said cutting Greg off. Theses last few months had been hard. Mattie was getting sicker by the day she now had a feeding tube as well as a catheter bag, she could hardly walk and the doctors recently brought up the idea of amputating her right foot due to serious blood clots and inflammation. When Dorinda prayed for God to keep her mother quiet, she didn't mean anything like this. The family got off the hospital elevator, walked down the long hallway and arrived at Matties door.

Nikki: This is it Room 513!

Greg: Good job Peanut, come on let's go say hi

Greg walked in the room with Jr in his arms and Nikki trailing behind him. But Dorinda just stood in the doorway staring. She watched the interaction between her husband and her mother.

Greg: Hey Mama Clark, how you doing?

Mattie turned her head and smiled softly.

Mattie: Drew?

Greg laughed and shook his head.

Greg: No ma'am, wrong son-in-law it's me Greg and Greg Jr, say hi son

Greg took Jrs hand and waved it towards his mother-in-law.

Nikki: Hi Granny

Greg: Look who else is here, Nikki show Granny what you got her

Nikki held up the bouquet she picked out especially for her grandmother. Mattie smiled and her hand shook uncontrollably as she reached for the flowers.

Mattie: Thank you Twinkie

Nikki turned back and gave her mother a confused look. Since those 2 strokes she had, Mattie's memory was beginning to fade.

Dorinda: That's Nikki mama, my daughter remember

Dorinda said walking towards her moms bed.

Mattie: Oh Doe Doe, my baby it's been a while since I've seen you

Dorinda: I was here 2 days ago ma

Doe sat on the bed and held her Mattie's hand. She absolutely hated seeing her mama like this, just frigid, tired and confused.

Mattie: I missed you

Mattie pointed at Nikki.

Nikki: Granny, mommy said that your going home soon so can I have another sleep over with you

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