Everything He Promised Pt.1

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May 3rd 1988

Nobody's POV

Greg: Things are okay, I suppose. Dorinda and I are still fighting about the dumbest things on the planet, but Nikki's doing a lot better in school, and she's getting more comfortable with splitting her time between me and her mother's house.

Dorinda: "Her mother's house"?

Dorinda said, mocking Greg. Two months ago, Greg moved into his own apartment, about 7 minutes away from the home he once shared with his wife and children.

Dr. Bowden: Dorinda

Dorinda: It's still our house; you just made the decision to leave it.

Greg: Because I know you did something, Dorinda. You keep lying about it and not saying anything, but I know you did something.

Dorinda: You know what? Can this session be done? I'm over him and his bull!

Dorinda reached for her purse, but Greg stopped her.

Greg: Hey, you were the one that wanted to come here; you hounded me about "committing and trusting the process." Now you're trying to leave?

Dorinda: You left first!

Dr. Bowden: Alright, let's all take a breath and relax. Remember, during our last session, we talked about pausing and really focusing on what our spouse is saying. Because if you're talking while the other person is, then you aren't truly listening to what they're saying. Greg, you were saying how you believe your daughter is adjusting to being in two separate homes.

Greg: Yes.

Dr. Bowden: Okay, would you like to elaborate on that?

Greg: Uh, sure. Even though I don't like having to raise my kids apart from my wife, I'm happy that they're adapting, especially Nikki. Greg Jr. is still a baby, so that's different.

Dr. Bowden: Okay, good. Dorinda?

Dorinda: Hhm?

Dr. Bowden: Do you agree with Greg on what he said as far as the children adjusting to the new transition?

Dorinda: No, I don't.

Greg: Why?

Dorinda: Because I think that this is just putting the kids and me through unnecessary pain and heartbreak. I asked Greg if he plans on filing for divorce, and he says no. But I've asked Greg to come home, and he also tells me no. So what's the point of doing the work if you don't want to come home?

Greg: I never said I wasn't coming home. Just not right now, Dorinda.

Dorinda: Why?

Greg: I just can't. Not until you tell me the truth.

Dr. Bowden: Okay, unfortunately we're out of time for now, but I will see you next week at the same time as today. In the meantime, I want you to both make time throughout the week to think about these two things. 1). Why did you originally fall in love? And 2). Where do you see your relationship in 10 years?

Greg: Alright.

Dorinda: Okay, fine.

The couple left their therapist's office and headed to Jacky's house to pick up Jr. The majority of the car ride was silent until Gregory decided to speak.

Greg: Listen, baby, I just

Dorinda: I really don't want to hear it. I've asked you over and over again to come home with me and our babies, but you refuse to.

Greg: Because you refuse to be honest with me.

Dorinda: Okay, Greg Just hurry up so I can see my son and get the fuck away from you!

Greg: See, that's another problem right there. I'm your husband; watch how you talk to me.

Dorinda: You just make me so angry. I love you and I want you back home, and I don't know what else to say or do.

Greg: Just tell me the truth, baby, and things can go back to normal.

Dorinda: Listen, how many times do I have to tell you that I've never been with anyone else besides you.

Greg pulled into Jacky's driveway and opened his car door before looking at his wife with a frown.

Greg: The sooner you tell me the truth, the sooner this will all be over, Doe.

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