Holy One Pt.1

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May 14th, 1988

Drew POV

Drew: Come on, Karen, we're going to be late!

Karen: I'm coming; I'm putting on J. Drew's clothes.

Drew: I thought you put his clothes on 30 minutes ago?

Karen: I did, but then he pooped!

Drew: Alright, well, hurry up; I'm taking Kierra to the car; Come on Ki.

He said this before picking up Kierra (who was in the middle of taking her afternoon nap on the bed) and walking out the front door to his new 1983 Ford Sierra.

Kierra: Daddy?

Said the almost 3-year-old as she was slowly waking up while her father put her in her car.

Kierra: Are we going bye-bye?

Drew: Yeah, Ki, we're going to your brother's birthday party?

Kierra: It's J. Drew's birthday?

Drew: No, your other brother, come on, baby, put your seat belt on.

Kierra: Okay, I'll do it!

Drew watched as Kierra strapped her belt on the first try.

Drew: Good job, honey.

He smiled at her and shut the door. As John Drew leaned against his car, waiting for his Wife and youngest son to walk out, he couldn't help but think about his Mistress and his oldest son.

Drew: God, listen, I know I've made some mistakes and I know that I've failed my family, but please forgive me and just let me be with my son and my woman. I know she still loves me; I just have to show it to her. We belong together!

Karen: Drew!

Drew: Huh?

Karen: Can you go get Kierra's jacket off the couch?

Drew: It's summer, Karen; you know what? Never mind, I'll be right back.

Drew knew there was no point in arguing with Karen; until he could win Dorinda back, he was stuck with his wife, so what was the use in complaining about shit?

Karen: Ki, we're here, baby!

Drew: Thank God.

They got out of the car and walked up the front steps and into the house.

Karen: This girl is so damn extra!

Karen said looking around the foyer, There was a huge banner over the stairs reading "Happy Birthday Greg Jr." and there were balloons everywhere.

Nikki: KiKi!!

Nikki screamed, running down the stairs to greet her extended family.

Kierra: Nikki, hi Nikki!

The cousins hugged before turning their attention to Karen and Drew.

Nikki: Hi Auntie, hi Uncle Drew.

Nikki said, before giving each of them a hug.

Nikki: J. Drew's asleep?

Karen: Yeah, Auntie Baby, but he should be waking up real soon.

Drew: Where's your mother, Nikki?

Nikki: In the backyard with my daddy!

Nikki said she was smiling hard.

Nikki: They've been laughing and smiling all week, and I got to stay home from school yesterday and Thursday Plus Daddy stayed home from work!

Drew: Mhm.

Drew rolled his eyes. Dorinda could play happy family all she wanted to, but he knew the truth: Doe loved him; they were soulmates.

Nikki: I'm going back upstairs; come on, KiKi.

Kierra followed Nikkia up the stairs and out of sight. The Sheards made their way through the kitchen and out into the backyard.

Dorinda: Baby stop!

Dorinda said, laughing, that she and Greg were leaning over a lawn chair, kissing and hugging each other.

Greg: Come here, then, and kiss me.

Dorinda leaned in and gave him a sloppy yet passionate kiss on the lips. Drew was enraged. It had literally been a year since Dorinda and John Drew were officially "over" but that didn't stop the latter from loving and wanting the relationship to continue with the former.

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