Loved Lifted Me Pt.3

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Drew POV

Drew: Listen, you better be on that bed waiting for me when I get there...I'm finishing up something, then I'm on my way...alright, I love you too bye

Drew hung up the phone, got up from his desk and made his way to the elevator and stepped inside.

Bobby: Hey Drew how you doing today?

Drew: Hey Bob, I'm great! and yourself?

Drew said smiling ear to ear.

Bob: I'm good you sure look happy though, you that excited for your lunch break?

Both men chuckled.

Drew: Yeah, I'm taking a long lunch to stop by and see my lady

Bobby: Oh okay well listen no disrespect but, if your wife looks anything like her're truly a lucky man my friend

Bobby said, patting Drew on the back. Drew didn't really appreciate his comment but his level of excitement was to high for some nigga who wore clip on ties, to bring down. When the elevator hit the lobby Drew was the first one out the door. He walked down the street and picked up a Large strawberry milkshake with a cookie, she'd appreciate that Drew thought to himself. As soon as John got on the I-94 he started going 80 mph in the fast lane. When he finally arrived to his destination he jumped out of his car, almost forgetting the shake and cookie. Drew walked inside the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom. He took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Dorinda: Hey daddy

His demands on the phone were met, Dorinda was on her bed butt naked waiting for him. Drew walked closer to her and smiled, as he handed her the desserts.

Dorinda: Aww thank you

Drew: You're welcome, but you can't eat that right now...lay back on the bed

Dorinda: I-

Drew: Lay the fuck back!

Drew wanted to push her back but her big bump quickly reminded him not to do that. He took the items out of her hand and placed them on the nightstand. Drew looked at the clock it was 1:17 meaning he only had a good hour with her.

Drew: I'm not playing with you Dorinda, the only reason you're ass isn't tied up is because you're carrying my son, but what was all that shit you was talking on the phone?

The days after Nikki's birthday party Dorinda called Drew at work.


Drew was sitting in his office going over different adds he'd been working on to show the board for his meeting on Friday, when the phone rang. He figured it was Karen calling to finish the argument they were having earlier that morning so he ignored it. But then it just kept ringing causing some of his coworkers to look in his direction. Hesitant, Drew picked up the phone and spoke.

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