Act Like You Know! Pt.3

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January 6th 1987

Dorinda POV

'Mattie got up and started walking out the room and Dorinda followed her, when Mattie opened the door they saw Denise on the other side...'

They all froze and stared at each other. Dorinda wanted to pass the fuck out! It was officially over, she might as well change her name and move to another country, because once Niecy knows something...the world knows something!

Denise: Nikki wanted you but from what I've been pretty busy lately

Denise shook her head and smirked before she turned around and headed towards the stairs, Mattie called out to stop her.

Mattie: Denise come here!

Niecy turned to face her mother and little sister.

Mattie: Now I don't know what you heard through the door but-

Denise: I didn't hear anything mama...except the fact that your "sweet pea" is just as "sinful" as I am!

Mattie: Okay just wait a minute now!

Denise: Ain't no wait mama all she does is walk around here like she's better than all of us cause she got a rich husband, well now she's about to lose him!

Denise walked down the stairs and out the door, Dorinda just stood there stuck. It was all over, and it was her mothers fucking fault.


Dorinda stomped down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Nikki was sitting down drinking her hot chocolate.

Dorinda: Come on let's go boo

Nikki: But I didn't finish my hot-

Dorinda: I don't care let's go where leaving!

Nikki sighed as she got up and pushed into her chair, just as Mattie came into the kitchen.

Mattie: Dorinda let me talk to you

Dorinda said nothing as she grabbed Nikki's coat and handed it to her.

Dorinda: Come on go put your shoes on Nikki now!

Nikki: Okay mommy

Nikki ran out of the kitchen to find her shoes.

Mattie: Dorinda just sit down and we can talk about this

Dorinda: Ain't nothing to talk about ma, because of you it's all over my marriage, my family everything!!

Dorinda started to cry she couldn't believe it. Her life as she knew it was over. There was no doubt in her mind that Denise would tell Greg. Dorinda tried to walk away but Mattie stopped her.

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