On My Mind Pt.2

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The Coles or The Sheards? 🫣

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May 20, 1988

Karen's POV

As Karen sped up the street towards her in-laws home, her mind began racing with all the ways she could kill her husband. Would she use knives from the kitchen, the crow bar in her truck, or one of her heels? Either way, she was determined to see him bleed.

Willie Mae: Hey Karen, how was your mama doing?

The older woman asked as the younger woman entered her kitchen. Karen looked at her mother-in-law and let out a single chuckle.

Karen: Did you know?

Willie Mae: Did I know what, baby?

Karen: That your son was fucking my big sister?!

Willie Mae tried her best to look shocked, but Karen saw right through her bullshit.

Karen: Where is he?

Willie Mae: Karen, let me talk to you for a second. Here, baby, sit down and

Karen: There's nothing to talk about!

She looked out the kitchen window and saw Drew with the kids and his dad out playing in the water. For the first time, Karen knew what it was like to feel uncontainable rage.

Willie Mae: No, listen. I know he was wrong, but you have to.

Karen: I don't have to do a goddamn thing!

The knife block in the middle of the counter caught Karen's eye. Quickly, she reached for the biggest one and rushed her way outside to kill her betraying husband. Willie Mae ran after her, signaling to her child that danger was imminent.

Willie Mae: Son, watch out!

Drew's POV

Drew was sitting on the edge of the pool, watching his dad teach Kierra how to swim, when he felt something sharp wack across the side of his head.

Drew: Ouch!

He looked up and saw Karen with the knife, and his mind began putting two and two together. He stood up, getting ready to deny it all.

Drew: What was that for?!

Karen: You bastard!

She took both hands and pushed him hard in the chest, causing Drew to lose his balance and fall back into the grass.

Drew: Ah, my stomach!

Willie Mae: What the heck is wrong with you, girl?

The mother helped her son to his feet and helped place him in a lawn chair to sit.

Willie Mae: Karen, you

Karen: Shut up! This is between me and my husband. Move!

Willie Mae: Who do you think you're talking to?!

Karen pointed the knife directly at her mother-in-law's chest. Not having to say another word, Willie Mae walked over to her husband, getting out of Karen's way.

Drew: What did you hit me for, Karen? Are you crazy?

The man asked, wincing in pain and holding his side while looking at his wife, hoping his plea would work.

Karen: Dorinda told me about you and her; I can't believe you would do this to me!

Drew: Do what?!

Karen: Don't you dare play dumb, John.

Drew: Baby, I don't know what you're talking about. Dorinda and I haven't spoken in forever; you know she's been distant from everybody. What's going on? Why are you so mad at me?

Karen: She said that y'all had an affair and that Gregory Jr. is your son!

Drew: What!?

Drew stood up, pretending to get upset at Karen's comments.

Drew: Baby, I don't know what's going on right now, but I swear I've never done anything with your sister. I mean, how could I?

Karen: Why would Dorinda lie about that? Why would she lie about you being that boy's Daddy Drew?

Drew: I don't know, baby... I don't know what she told you or why she'd lie, but Dorinda is lying. I've never slept with her. And I'm not that kid's father!

Drew's heart was beating so fast. Why was he denying everything? This whole time, he truly wanted the truth to come out. But the current fear of not being in control of the situation at hand was just too much risk at the moment.

Karen: Let's go!

Drew: Where?

Karen: Just come on, Drew, Pops, can you watch the kids for us?

John Henry just nodded his head, keeping his attention on Kierra, who was oblivious to her parents drama.

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