Bless This House! Pt.2

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May 21st 1987

Dorinda POV

Greg: Look, you're finally home baby girl

Greg said, pulling into the driveway. Dorinda didn't say anything; she just continued looking down at her hands, ignoring her husband. Greg got out of the car, walked to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

Greg: Come on baby, here take my hand so I can help you

Dorinda slowly turned her body and got out of the car. Greg could see that she was in pain from the surgery. When the couple made it inside they were greeted by Nikki, Hank, Mattie and Greg Jr.

Nikki: MOM!! Your home!!

Nikki said running straight into her mother, causing Doe to scream out in pain and push Nikki away.

Dorinda: Ouch!!

Greg: You okay baby?

Nikki: I'm sorry ma, I didn't mean to hurt you

Nikki said crying. Dorinda nodded and looked down at her daughter.

Dorinda: It's okay baby

Greg: Nikki you've gotta be careful remember I told you mommy had to have surgery twice, you have to be gentle with her

Nikki: I'm sorry mom, I just missed you so much

Nikki said, hanging her head down. Dorinda lifted her chin and gave her a kiss.

Dorinda: I know boo, mommy missed you too, so much!!

Nikki: I made something for you

Dorinda: You did?

Nikki: Yes it's in my room I'll be right back!

Nikki ran up the stairs and out of sight. Dorinda looked over at her mother who on the couch was holding the baby.

Dorinda: Hey mama

Mattie: Hey baby, how you feeling

Dorinda: Horrible

Greg: Here come sit down, remember what the doctor said no heavy lifting, no driving and no standing for long periods of time your body needs to heal baby

Dorinda: I know

She said sitting down on the couch.

Mattie: Well I'm glad your home baby here, I know you've been dying to hold him huh?

Mattie joked while trying to hand Dorinda the baby; Dorinda just looked at him and didn't move.

Mattie: Here

Dorinda: Maybe later on

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