I've Got A Reason

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❤️ Thank you guys for 10,000 reads!!! I can't describe how much that moves and motivates me. Love you all so much, GOD bless, always. ❤️

Please excuse any typos or grammar mistakes

May 20, 1988

Nobody's POV

Dorinda felt her stomach drop as the happy expressions on the other women's faces turned sour and cold.

Jacky: Mhm, look who decided to grace us with her presence.

Denise: And she can take her presence right back out the door.

Mattie took both her hands, swinging them in opposite directions, to hit her oldest two daughters.

Jackie and Denise: Ouch!

Mattie: Y'all, hush, hey baby, come give a kiss, girl!

Doe slowly walked over to her mother, bending down to give her a tight hug.

Mattie: All of us together, thank you, God!

Twinkie: Hey, Doe Doe!

Dorinda: Hey Twink.

As the sisters shared a hug, the two whispered a small conversation in one another's ear:

Twinkie: Everything's going to be alright. I love you, sissy.

Dorinda: I love you more, T.

Twinkie: And your hair looks cute.

Dorinda: Thanks; I trimmed it a little bit the other day.

Once they pulled apart, Doe took a deep breath before saying,

Dorinda: Jacky, I apologize for what I said about Glynn. And Denise, it wasn't right of me to slap you like that; you both are my big sisters, and I love y'all. I was wrong; please forgive me.

The room was still for a moment, with each woman waiting for the next to react. The matriarch of the family was the first to speak up.

Mattie: That was very sweet of you. I'm proud of that.

Denise: That was bullshit!

Mattie: What did you just say?

Jacky: Niecy, Mama is right here, but you're right, though.

Jacky let out a little chuckle, turning her attention to Doe.

Jacky: That was the most disingenuous apology I've ever heard in my 43 years of living.

Karen: Right!

Dorinda looked at Karen with a look of shock. Even though she didn't always speak up for Doe, it was extremely rare for her to speak against her.

Denise: I don't even know why you came; doesn't nobody want you here?

Jacky: I sure don't. Bye, Miss Girl!

Mattie: Y'all be respectful! The child just got here.

Karen: You acted like a fool at Twinkie's house the other night, and you don't even come around anyone anymore; that hurts, D!

Dorinda didn't say a word. She just stood there in the doorway, expressionless; shifting her eyes to whoever was talking.

Denise: I don't want her anywhere around me; I don't want to be associated with-

Jacky: A slut!

Denise: A dirty whore!

Twinkie: Are you all serious?!

Denise: This needs to be said, Twink. I'm so sick of her walking around thinking she's cute and playing Miss Perfect, but she's really an evil little Jezebel who gave it up to a man she never met at a hotel bar in Virginia!

Jacky: Some bald nigga named Chris.

Mattie: You slept with another man?

Karen: Mama, you already knew that.

Karen said, reminding her mom. Mattie chuckled and said,

Mattie: I knew she was with John Drew, but I didn't know about anybody named Chris.

The room was once again silent. Dorinda felt her heart drop. Twinkie didn't know what to say. Denise was absolutely loving the drama. Jacky was shocked. Mattie was still confused. And Karen...

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