You Loved Me

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TW: Abuse 🚫

Dorinda POV

Dorinda was fed the fuck up. When Nikki and Greg left that morning she thought it was going to be an average Monday. Her plan was to clean up, get dressed, run some errands and pick Nikki up from her after school program at 5:00pm. But that plan turned to shit when Drew showed up at her door, bum rushed his way in and demanded that she admit he's the father of the baby.

Dorinda: Get the fuck out Drew now!!

Drew: I ain't going nowhere until I hear you say it

Dorinda: I'm not saying shit other than ITS NOT YOUR BABY!!!

Drew: Stop lying Dorinda

Dorinda: Its not a lie Drew, I know who's baby I'm carrying alright Greg is the father

Dorinda prayed that was the truth. If Greg was the father life could go on and she wouldn't even have to tell him about the affair, she could just end things with Drew and it would be over and done with.

Drew: No Doe you want him to be the father!



Dorinda: YOU!! We've been arguing about this shit for 2 hours, how many times do I have to say it, you're not the father and you and I are done with whatever this whole mess of a situation was. Okay I'm not traveling anymore either I'm staying home with my husband and our children and I'll pursue my ministry here!!

Drew let out a loud laugh.

Drew: You ain't traveling anymore?

Dorinda: No I'm not

Drew: I don't believe you

Dorinda: I don't give a damn what you believe boy, get out of my house...don't you have a job?

Drew: I'm taking the day off cause we're gonna talk about-

Dorinda: We're not talking about nothing nigga and you don't need to be taking no days off my friend

Dorinda laughed while she tired to finish her sentence.

Dorinda: Didn't you just borrow money from your daddy cause you ain't selling them houses like you need to be Mr. Real estate agent? Yeah Karen told me get the fuck out of my house with yo broke ass

Dorinda smirked, turned around and began to walk out of the kitchen. She suddenly felt her body being pushed to the ground then turned over. When she looked up Drew was now on top of her with one of his hands around her throat.

Dorinda: Drew!

Drew: Shut the fuck up!

Drew tightened his grip and leaned closer to her face.

Drew: I'm sick of your fucking mouth

Dorinda: Drew I can't breathe!!

Drew: If you can talk you can breathe

Dorinda: I'm sorry baby please Drew stop!

Drew: Fuck that sorry shit let's go

Drew picked Dorinda up and tossed her over his shoulder she started punching his back as he carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

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