You Dont Have To Leave Me Here

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This is chapter 50 guys!!!! Thanks for following along this long love you 🥰

May 18th, 1988

Drew's POV

Doctor: Alright, Mr. Sheard, your vitals are good, as was your blood work. And your stab wound is healing very well, so we should have you out of here by Friday morning.

Drew: Why can't I go home today? You just said I'm good to go.

Doctor: No, I didn't say that; your tests were good, but it's protocol to keep someone who's been stabbed in the hospital for at least a week.

Drew: Alright, man. What time is it now?

Doctor: It's 10:02, who are you wanting?

Drew: Why does it matter? I just need to know what time it is.

Doctor: Because that's the third time you asked me in eleven minutes. Is it your wife you're waiting for, or someone else?

Drew: Someone else. And I only asked because that dumb clock is broken!

The doctor looked up at the wall, shaking his head.

Doctor: Yeah, the maintenance staff can be a little slack around this place. I'll get someone up here.

Drew: Thanks. Could you talk to the kitchen too? Their food is horrible. I feel bad for people with no family to bring them anything.

Doctor: Yeah, me too. When my ex-wife and I separated, obviously those home-cooked meals she would pack stopped. So I ate here for about a week, and I've never done it again. The only thing I get is an apple, or maybe some cereal.

Drew laughed, but he thought it was strange that this doctor was telling a patient and complete stranger that he was divorced.

Doctor: So, are you waiting for the pretty woman with the little boy and the hazel eyes that was here yesterday?

The doctor smirked and leaned against the wall, waiting to hear Drew's response.

Drew: What about her?

Doctor: She bolted out of here yesterday, and I wondered if her exit had anything to do with something about your health.

This was one nosey fucking doctor. This man doesn't know him from Adam, and here he was trying to get information about his personal life. But then again, Drew did have a plan, and he knew he'd need the doctor's help to put it into motion.

Drew: She's my ex-girlfriend and the mother of my child.

Those seemed like suitable names for Doe. They did have a relationship, but it ended. They also have a son together, and the term baby mama never really sounded right to Drew. Dorinda, just like Karen, was the mother of his child.

Doctor: Mhm, okay, you, the man.

He reached his hand out to Drew and dapped him up.

Doctor: That's pretty impressive, having both women visit you in one day.

Drew: I guess, shit, it used to be fun. You know, having two women, sisters at that, and

Doctor: Hold up! Their sisters? Dude, you're joking, right?

Drew: Yeah, Karen; my wife is the youngest, and Dorinda is right before her.

Doctor: Is she married?

Drew: Yeah. Homie is ugly, corny as hell, and just a fucking punk, but he's got money.

Doctor: How much money?

Drew: At least a couple million. I work for his company in the marketing department; he's the CFO, got the corner office and the special reserved spot in the garage, the whole nine.

Doctor: You sound jealous, man.

Drew: What would make me jealous? I might not have the millions or the parking spot, but I've already got his wife again. And that's my son! Dorinda can be trifling, so she named him Greg Jr. after her husband. Shit makes my blood boil!

Doctor: I probably would have had to call my sisters on her.

Both men laughed and continued on with the conversation. Drew told him a brief version of what happened with him and Dorinda. And husband to win her back for good this time. After about twenty minutes, the doctor, whose name was Paul Wright, was paged to the nurses station.

Drew: Alright, man. I know you have to run.

Doctor Wright: Yeah, but damn, my guy, you've got a lot going on, but I'll definitely help you get that DNA test. I'll be back in a few, and if not, I'll have a nurse bring it in.

Drew: Alright, I really appreciate you, Doc.

Doctor Wright: No, problem. Although I think this whole story is pretty wild, if he's your son, both you and him deserve to know that. Even her husband should know the truth; no man should have to raise a kid who isn't his.

Drew: That's what I'm saying.

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