Turn It Around Pt.1

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May 18th, 1988

Greg POV

Dorinda: Alright, Denise. I'll be there.

Greg watched his wife hang up the phone and shake her head. As she walked over to him, he could tell she was suddenly upset. It seemed like every time Dorinda talked to one of her sisters, she would end the conversation with a frown.

Greg: What's wrong, baby?

He asked, pulling her close to his lap as he sat on one of the island chairs.

Dorinda: I'm going out with my sisters tonight.

Greg: That's good...right?

Dorinda: Yeah, I guess. I don't know; I've got to get ready.

Greg: Hey, babe, if you're this upset about it, don't go.

Dorinda: I have, too.

Greg: Why? Because Jacky said so?

Although Greg loved his in-laws, Denise and Jacky (especially Jacky) were not his favorites. Through the years, they made his wife feel bad about herself, and he kind of hated them for that.

Dorinda: Greg I've got to start getting ready to go. Watch out.

She tried to gently push past him, but Greg held onto her waist, keeping her in front of him.

Greg: First off, you're supposed to say, Excuse me and Dorinda; we've been having such a great day. I stayed home from work; we watched movies and had sex like four times, and now you get off the phone and you're totally different. For what? I mean, come on, talk to me. Did they say something bad? Is it your mama?

Dorinda: No. Baby, everything is fine. I just forgot that we were supposed to have dinner tonight; they've been talking about it for weeks, and I wanted to spend the rest of today with you, but they're always saying that I'm acting boujee and too busy for them, so I'm going to go.

Greg: What makes you boujee?

Doe was silent for a second, then she said:

Dorinda: Your money.

Greg: It's been 11 years, and they're still hating! It's not our fault that their nigga's are broke! We're always helping them out with stuff. Hell, Glynn asked me for a loan last week, and like a brother, I gave it to him, so I don't know why Jacky -

Dorinda: Wait, Glynn asked you for a loan?

Greg: Yeah, after church last Sunday.

Dorinda: For how much? And why didn't you tell me?

Greg: He only needed $5,000, and I don't know. Sorry, babe, I should've said something. My bad.

He gave her a peck on the lips and rubbed her back.

Dorinda: It's fine, but wait, did he say what the money was for?

Greg: Dang girl, you are so nosey!

Dorinda: No, I'm not; when my sisters borrow money, I tell you what it's for, Greg!

Greg: Really?

Dorinda: Yeah, why you think I be lying?

Greg: Not necessarily lying; I just feel like you don't always tell me the real reason they need it.

Dorinda: Yes, I do! They come and tell me they need it for behind bills or whatever broke in their house or something, and I just feel really bad that they have to ask in the first place, so I don't press them about it.

Greg: See you out here being the loan office for them; actually, you are more like the IRS, basically giving out free tax returns, since they almost never pay us back, even though they say they will. And how is that okay?

Dorinda: I mean, it's not, but because you have money, they assume I have no problems, and I should be able to help them out whenever they ask. It happens all the time; for example, tonight, Denise is certainly going to look at me when the check comes, and I'm supposed to pay it. Because to them, my life is perfect, even though they don't know half of the stuff I put up with.

Gregory raised his eyebrows.

Greg: You got some kind of problem going on that I don't know about?

Dorinda: Sir, I'm talking about you and your kids! Y'all stress me out so much!

Greg: Me and my kids are the best thing in your life, woman; don't play.

Dorinda: Sir, you and those kids drive me crazy, and that dog you brought up in here too.

Greg: Speaking of him—Hank!

Dorinda: What are you calling him for?

Greg: When we're done talking, I'm going to take him out for a walk.

Dorinda: Oh, well, here he comes.

Hank jogged into the kitchen, stopped at the threshold, and looked up at his humans with a big smile.

Greg: What's up, boy?

The dog ran over to Greg, jumping up and down and wagging his long tail happily.

Greg: What up, man? Are you going to be good while Mommy and Daddy are gone?

Dorinda: Where do you plan on going?

Greg: With you, babe.

Dorinda: Why?!

Her usually low voice went up about three octaves; Greg couldn't tell if that was an accident or an honest reaction.

Greg: Why not? You don't want me to come?

Dorinda: No, I mean, you can; it's just...

Greg: It's just what?

Dorinda: Nothing, babe; let's go get ready.

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