Prepare Yourself Pt.3

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May 17th, 1988

Nobody's POV

As she quickly stood up, in walked Ethan, Drew's baby brother. Did he see what was happening?

Ethan: Okay, big bro, I see you. Getting two for the price of one!

Yeah...he did.

Drew: E, what the hell are you doing here, man?

Ethan: I'm up here with Mama and Daddy; they're coming down the hallway right now.

Dorinda: I'm going to head out.

Dorinda bent down and reached for Junior. The young boy looked at his mother, smiled, and laid down on his father's chest, using this little hand to gently pull his dad's beard. Drew wrapped his hands around the boy's stomach, hugging him tightly.

Drew: Come on, don't leave.

Dorinda: I'll come back tomorrow.

Drew: No, you won't.

Dorinda: Yes, I will, and I'll bring him too.

Drew: You promise?

Before she could answer, the door swung open once again. It was First Lady Willie Mae, Drew's mother, along with his father, Bishop John Henry.

Willie Mae: Hey, son, how?

Willie Mae paused in the middle of her sentence, focusing her attention on Dorinda.

Willie Mae: Evangelist Cole?

Doe hesitantly turned around and responded,

Dorinda: First Lady, Bishop, umm Hi, how are you doing?

Willie Mae: Well, my baby was the victim of a brutal attack that just happened to take place at your home, and now he's in the hospital fighting for his life.

Dorinda: I'm sorry.

Willie Mae: Yes, you should be!

Drew: Mama, stop.

Willie Mae: Excuse me?

John Henry: Mae, come on now; leave it alone. Dorinda, how are you? How's your mama?

Dorinda: I'm good; my mama is doing fine.

Dorinda bent down and whispered to Drew:

Dorinda: I'll see you tomorrow morning.

She picked up Jr. and made a B-line to the door. Willie Mae reached for the doorknob, blocking Dorinda's way out.

Dorinda: Excuse me, Lady Sheard.

Willie Mae: You know, I talk to Karen almost every day, and I give her a scripture every time before we hang up. Tomorrow's scripture will be Romans 16:17–18. I could never betray my sister like you do!

She pointed to Jr., flashing him a genuine smile.

Willie Mae: Aw, you are so cute. You look just like your dad when he was a baby!

The older woman looked back at the child's mother and rolled her eyes. Dorinda practically ran out of the room, leaving Jr.'s pacifier behind on the ground. Drew watched his mother pick it up and slip it inside her purse.

Drew: Mama, why'd you have to do that, huh? I told you me and Doe are over; I'm not messing with her anymore!

Ethan: Ma, he's lying. When I walked in, they were definitely making out.

Willie Mae: What?!

Ethan: Yup! With the baby in the middle of them. See, mama, he doesn't listen to anything you and Daddy say.

John Henry: Stop snitching all the time, boy.

He said, giving Ethan a love tap on the shoulder. Drew reached behind his head, grabbed a pillow, and chucked it at Ethan's head.

Drew: Man, shut up! Daddy's right, you've been a snitch since you were a little boy.

Willie Mae: So you are still creeping with her?

Ethan: Yes.

Drew: No! No, mama, I'm not.

Willie Mae: Then why was she here?

Drew: I'm in the hospital; she just came to visit.

John Henry: Boy, I'm going to tell you what I told you the first time: you playing a dangerous game, messing with them two women-

Willie Mae: Not just women; these girls are sisters, same mama, same daddy, same everything.

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