It's Okay!

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Dorinda POV

The host leads them to their table and moments later Dorinda hears a familiar voice.

Unknown: Dorinda!

Dorinda: Karen?!?

Dorinda turned around and saw Karen getting up from her table walking over to them.

Nikki: Auntieee!!!

Karen: Hi Nikki!

Nikki ran to Karen and gave her the biggest hug and kiss.

Karen: Brother in love

Greg: Hey Kare how you doing sis, you look nice

Karen: Thanks bro

They hug. Karen walks closer to Dorinda pulling her in for a hug. Dorinda tenses up, it's like her body can't handle being around her sister knowing what she's been doing with Drew.

Karen: Hey sister

Dorinda: Hey

Dorinda looks away.

Karen: Uh me Drew and the baby are over there do y'all wanna join? We can catch up and I can get some time with my Nikki girl

Dorinda: Umm actually-

Greg: Of course we family come on

Doe sighed and walked to the booth, there she saw Drew giving Keirra a piece of bread.

Nikki: Uncle Pastor Kiki!!

Drew: Hey y'all what y'all doing here?

Greg: You know decided to take my ladies out for a nice dinner I see we had the same idea

Drew: You know it Doc, Doe you look beautiful

Drew smiled. As Nikki and Greg sat down Dorinda just stood there, she wanted to cry.
How could she sit there with her husband and child across from the man she'd been letting dick her down for the 2 last months.

Greg: Baby sit down

Dorinda suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

Dorinda: I gotta go to the bathroom

Dorinda ran towards the back of the restaurant and into the bathroom. When she reached the stall she locked the door and bent down letting it all out. She hated this whenever she was really upset or nervous she'd puke. After a few minutes she heard the door open.

Karen: Doe you alright in there?

Dorinda: Yeah I'm good I'll be back out in a minute

Karen: you wanna talk about it-

Dorinda: NO!

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