So Many Times Pt.2

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May 21st, 1988

Nobody's POV

It was just after ten o'clock, and all the sisters (except Dorinda, of course) were at Denise's house, trying their best to support their baby sister, who was a complete mess.

Karen: I just want to die!

Karen was hysterical. One minute she was saying how much she hated John Drew, and the next she was reminiscing about all the good times they once shared.

Jacky: Don't say that; everything's going to be alright, Kare.

Karen: How, Jacky? He said he was in love with her!

Denise: So why are you crying over him, Karen?

Karen: What?

Denise: That nigga not only slept with your blood sister, that trifling bitch, but he told you he's in love with her and he wants to be the father of that little boy, Sis. You need to let him go and just be done with his ass.

Jacky: Agreed. I mean, I'm usually the last person to tell anyone to get a divorce, but this right here, all the bull crap he's put you through, he ain't worth it, girl.

Denise: And neither is that sister of yours.

Karen: What am I going to tell my kids?

Twinkie: What do you mean?

Karen: How am I going to tell them that the reason their parents split up is because...

Karen sunk into the couch and began to cry harder. A million and one thoughts were rushing through her mind. But only one question really mattered: should she stay or should she go?

Liam: Auntie Karen, Are you okay?

The four women jumped at the sound of his voice. Liam was Denise's fourth son, the quietest of her bunch.

Denise: Boy, you scared us; what are you doing up?

Liam: I couldn't sleep, and I heard you guys down here talking, Why's Auntie K so upset? Did somebody die or something?

Jacky: Not yet.

Liam: Huh?

Denise: Nothing; go back to bed, sweetie.

Liam: Okay, can I get some water first, Ma?

Denise: Yeah, go ahead.

The boy smiled, but before he left the room, he walked over to his aunt and kissed her cheek.

Liam: Are you sure you're okay, Auntie?

Karen: Yeah, I'm okay, baby; aunties are just feeling a bit betrayed right now.

Liam: Mhm, It'll be okay; they're not worth it.

The ladies chuckled at the kids blunt yet simple statement.

Twinkie: He's right.

Jacky: Sure, it is.

Liam: Any friend who betrays you and makes you cry isn't a real friend.

Liam left the room, but Karen couldn't shake off his final comment. Meanwhile, at the Cole household, Dorinda and Drew seamlessly resumed their connection as if no time had passed. After indulging in hours of passionate intimacy and heartfelt discussions, they now found themselves engaged in a heated "exchange" while lying in the very bed where their love had reignited.

Dorinda: All I'm saying is, if we're going to be together, things have to change.

Drew: Things just started. Don't keep sweating over every little thing.

Dorinda: I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that we both have to improve if we want to be happy. We both need to work on controlling our temper and watching what we say.

Drew: That's all in the past, though, baby.

Dorinda: No, it's not. A couple hours ago, we were screaming at each other about how I got pregnant.

Drew: So, couples fight; we were having a fight.

Dorinda: Don't do that.

Drew: Do what?

Dorinda: Downplay everything I'm saying. I'm walking away from my life for you, John. I want you, but not the but not the emotionless, distant version of you who only communicates through his fist.

Drew: You've been avoiding me for so long, so you couldn't know how much I've changed.

Dorinda: We avoided each other.

Drew: What? How many fucking times did I beg you to talk to me?

Dorinda: How many times did you put your damn hands on me?

Drew: Oh, now you're bringing up old shit!

Dorinda: Slapping me, slamming me into the wall! Dragging me off the bed?!

Drew: And you deserved every bit of it! You know how to push my buttons, don't you, D? You know what pisses me off.

Dorinda: So, because you were mad, you put your hands on me?

Drew: If you heard the way you talk to me, you'd understand why. You don't listen, Dorinda; you keep trying to run shit-

Dorinda: Nigga, you ain't my daddy! How many times do I have to tell you that? I'm not your little slave who's going to jump when you say jump; I'm not Karen.

Drew grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him.

Drew: The fuck are you bringing her up for?

Dorinda: See what I'm saying?

Doe tried to break free, but Drew just tightened his grip.

Dorinda: Let me go!

She used both hands to slap his chest forcefully, making him move just a little, but it was enough for her to step back. Dorinda got up, her eyes wide with anger. It was one of the few times she had ever stood up for herself.

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