Everything He Promised Pt.2

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May 3rd 1988

Nobody POV

Nikki: Are you guys going to get a divorce?

There was a long break of silence as each family member looked at the other. Nikkia looked curious, Gregory was dumbfounded, and Dorinda looked heartbroken.

Nikki: Mommy? Dad? Did you two hear my question?

Nikki looked back and forth between her mother and father, hoping that one of them would not only acknowledge her but also give an answer to her question. But they didn't; the two just stared at each other.

Nikki: Daddy? Can you answer my question, please?

Just as Greg turned his head towards his oldest child, his youngest child threw a piece of broccoli across the table.

Dorinda: Well, he's done! Are you done, Pooh?

Nikki: Yes, but Mommy, you didn't answer my question.

Dorinda: What question, baby?

Dorinda quickly stood up, grabbed Jr. out of his highchair, and walked over to the kitchen island.

Nikki: Are you and Daddy going to get a divorce, like Tasha and Torrey's parents are?

Greg: Tisha and Kyle are getting a divorce?

He asked, looking at Dorinda, and she was glad he did; she'd literally answer any question in the world other than the one Nikki asked a few moments ago.

Dorinda: Yeah, he, uh, C-H-E-A-T-E-D.

Greg: Really?

Nikki: Mr.Page cheated?

Dorinda: Dang, I forgot you knew how to spell.

Nikki: Isn't that bad, though? You two always say cheating is wrong and it makes you a sore loser!

Greg smiled as he stood up and gathered the plates around the table.

Greg: That's right, Peanut, Mr.Page was a sore loser, but look, don't say anything about this to Tasha and Torrey, okay?

Nikki: Why not?

Dorinda: Because we said so, and because it'll hurt their feelings.

Nikki: Okay, but what if we're trash talking and I'm like "That's why your dad has a big forehead, and he's a sore loser"? Cause that's a good one, Mommy!

Both parents were in hysterics, and Nikki laughed along with them, so thrilled that her joke made her parents laugh that hard.

Greg: Lord, you are a funny girl!

Dorinda: Nik, that's not nice.

Doe said, still laughing, not only was Nikki super intelligent, (her mother and father had a meeting with Mrs.Jackson a few weeks ago, and they decided to let Nikki skip a grade. Coming next school year, she'd be 8 years old in 4th grade.) but she was also hilarious!

Nikki: But it's funny.

Dorinda: Yeah, you know what else is funny?

Nikki: What, Ma?

Dorinda: You getting that behind in the shower; come on, it's 20 minutes past 8 o'clock and you've got school tomorrow, baby.

Nikki: But it's Jr.'s birthday tomorrow! I thought we were going to have ice cream and cake!

Greg: And we will, after you get out of school and I get off of work.

Nikki: But-

Greg: No buts, go upstairs and get ready for me and mommy to tuck you in.

Nikki pouted, but she listened to her father and began making her way upstairs to her room. Greg looked down at Hank, who was now almost as big as Nikkia.

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