Hero Pt.2

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May 19th, 1988

Dorinda's POV

Nikki: And Nana made pie!

Dorinda: Oo, what kind of pie?

Nikki: Apple, it was really good; I saved you and my dad a piece for later on.

Dorinda: Aw, thank you, baby. What's your brother doing?

Nikki: He's outside with Nana and Grandad in the pool; I just came in here to talk to you.

Dorinda: Oh, okay, well, you go ahead and play baby; I'll be there to get you in about an hour of fun.

Nikki: Wait, Mom, no!

Dorinda: No, what, boo?

Nikki: An hour is too soon; can you come in like 10 hours?

Dorinda couldn't help but laugh, especially because Nikkia sounded dead serious about it too.

Dorinda: Nik, I told Nana I was coming at two o'clock, though.

Nikki: But where in the pool?

Dorinda: We've got a pool at home, baby.

Nikki: I know, but... okay, just hold on one minute, okay, mommy?

Dorinda: Alright, Nik.

After about a minute, Doe heard her father-in-law's voice.

George: Okay, sweetie I'll tell her... Dorinda?

Dorinda: Yeah, hey, dad.

George: Hey, so the kids want to stay another night!

Dorinda: Oh, umm, dad. I told Mom that I was coming to get them around 2:30.

George: I know, but we're having such a fun time over here. Listen, don't worry; Nikki and Jr. are fine.

Dorinda: We were supposed to go to the movies, and Nikki has school tomorrow.

George: Nikki, Mommy said that you all were going to go to the movie theater today and you've got school tomorrow.

She could hear her daughter in the background say,

Nikki: But Pop, I don't want to go to the movies, and remember Daddy said, I can miss one day!

George: Here, talk to Mommy.

Nikki: Mommy, I just want to stay here, please, and my dad said that I could miss one day because I'm with Nana and Pop.

Doe sighed. With all that was running through her mind, all she wanted was her babies, especially since Greg went back to work. But she loved how much her kids loved their grandparents, so she reluctantly agreed.

Dorinda: Alright, baby, but I'm coming to get you guys tomorrow at 12:00, okay?

Nikki: Okay! Wait 10 in the morning or 12 at night?

Dorinda: In the afternoon, baby girl.

Nikki: Okay, I love you, mommy. I'll see you tomorrow!

Dorinda: I'm going to call you later tonight, sweetie. Nikki...Nikki?

George: Hello?

Dorinda: Yeah.

George: She gave me the phone and ran back outside.

They both laughed before saying goodbye. After getting up from her father-in-law, Doe walked outside to the backyard and sat in front of the four pool chairs they had out there. After trying hard, but failing, to keep replaying last night's events in her mind, she got up and decided it was best for her to start making phone calls. Doe took a deep breath as she dialed Jacky's number.

Dorinda: Lord, please don't let her get on this phone talking crazy.

After four rings, Jacky's voice came out from the other line.

Jacky: Hello?

Dorinda: Hey Jack...

Jacky: Dorinda, I didn't think you'd call.

She heard her older sister chuckle. Dorinda wanted to hang up right then and there, but she knew that if her marriage had any chance of surviving, she'd have to hold her tongue.

Dorinda: Yeah, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about everything that I said last night. I was wrong. We may have our differences, but you are still my big sister, and I love you.

Jacky: Mhm.

Dorinda: Seriously, Jacky, I'm sorry. I should've never brought up Glynn and the money situation.

Jacky: Oh, don't worry, my husband will be paying y'all back as soon as possible.

Doe rolled her eyes. The most they'd get back from Glynn was $500.

Dorinda: No, that's not necessary; don't worry about the money.

Jacky: Dorinda, it's not even your money; it's Greg's money. So, like I said, my husband will make sure he pays back every penny that we owe.

After that, Dorinda heard the phone click.

Dorinda: I know this girl didn't hang up on me.

She wanted to call Jacky back and curse her out so badly, but that would make the situation even worse, which was the opposite of what she was trying to do. So once again, Dorinda dialed a number, anxiously awaiting another sister to pick up.

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