This Christmas Pt.3

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December 26th 1987

Greg POV

Janet: Alright, y'all, calm down; it's still Christmas and y'all been fighting ALL day, I mean for Christ's sake enough!

Greg: She started it, Mama!

Dorinda: No, Mama J, it's your son; he's had an attitude since the day before we left.

Janet: I don't care who started it; I said end it!

Despite being in beautiful Honolulu, where the sky was sunny and the water was clear, there had been a dark cloud over Greg and Dorinda the entire trip. In the last four days, the only time the couple didn't fight was Christmas morning, since Nikki was opening up gifts. Janet (Greg's mom) refused to let him sleep on the couch because "a husband and wife should never sleep apart if they can help it". So that meant that he and Dorinda just silently argued while all their relatives slept peacefully.

Gordon (Greg's older brother) walked in and smiled.

Gordon: See, mama, and you want me to get back with Rene? Nope, I mean look at those two.

He was slurring his words a little bit, and slowly rocking from side to side. Gordon obviously, had one to many beers.

Greg: Rene left you, you couldn't get back with her if you wanted to bro!

Gordon: Nah, she just couldn't accept my truth, see unlike you little brother I refuse to live a lie

Gordon said, shaking his head while pointing to his brother and sister-in-law. Greg walked towards his brother, getting really close to his face, and then he spoke.

Greg: Look, I'm not in the mood for your bull today Gordy, stay out of my business, man you've got your own shit to handle back at home.

About six months ago, Gordon's wife Rene of 14 years, as well as their two kids, Gordon Jr. and Raven, packed up and moved out of the house the day before Gordon got out of rehab. He's been an alcoholic for the past five years, in and out of both the hospital and rehabilitation centers. Rene wanted to stick with him, but eventually she got tired. Now Gordon lives back at home with Janet and George and is still drinking.

Janet: Gregory! I'm standing right here; don't be disrespectful.

Gordon: You know he ain't got no manners Mama. Nigga done moved into the suburbs and forgotten his roots.

Dorinda: What the hell are you talking about?

Greg: I got this baby-

The last thing Greg needed was Dorinda getting involved, that would only fuel Gordon's anger.

Gordon: Yeah stay out of it, Arm Candy!

Greg: Aye, watch your mouth; that's my wife you're talking to, bro!

Gordon: Oh, so now you all of a sudden care about her?

Greg's heart started pounding. Gordon was obviously drunk, but hopefully he wasn't fucking stupid.

Greg: Listen man, I don't know what the hell your problem is but-

Gordon: Oh, I'm the one with the problem? Why because I drink, listen I think an alcoholic has a better chance of getting into heaven then an adulterer!

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