Nothing To Lose Pt.1

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Drew POV

Karen: Ahhh baby!

Drew: Mhm come on Karen get on top

Karen: Drew I'm pregnant

Drew: So, come on baby ride daddy's dick

Karen: Drew I've already got a cramp and-

Drew: Fine fuck it! Just lay back then

Karen did what he said and Drew sighed as he began stroking her again. He missed Dorinda, so fucking much. These last few months had been hell for him. After Doe ended their relationship he gave it a few weeks before going to see her, Drew thought that It'd be just like the times before. He'd smooth talk his way into her house then her draws. But he was wrong, Dorinda didn't even open the door. No matter how much or how hard he banged, she wouldn't let him in. So Drew went back the next day...but she did the same thing. For a solid 3 weeks Drew begged for Doe to talk to him but she refused. And anytime he saw her at church she stayed as close to Greg or Karen as she could, making it impossible for him to talk to her. When the Sheards were finished having sex Drew jumped up and walked to the bathroom.

Karen: Are you mad at me or something?

He turned around to see Karen standing in the doorway. Drew just ignored her, as he got into the shower and turned on the water.

Karen: Drew!

Karen opened the shower curtain and looked up at him.

Drew: What the hell's wrong with you I'm in the shower Karen!

Karen: What's going on with you?! For weeks you've been treating me like dirt! We just had sex and you get up like you've got something better to do, you don't even hold me like you used to anymore!

Drew: Karen I'm in the fucking shower and I don't wanna talk about this shit anyway

Karen: Well hurry up and finish taking your little shower because I do want to talk about it!

Karen walked out the bathroom and slammed the door.


Drew yelled out behind her, seconds later the door sung open and Karen was back in the bathroom with her hands on her hips.


Drew: YES! My damn house and I'm sick of you disrespecting me in it!

Drew turned off the water and stepped out. He was fuming, he'd never in his entire life been this miserable and heartbroken. He hated his job, he hated his house, and he was starting to hate his wife, for one of the most fucked up reasons of all...because she wasn't her sister.

Karen: No your the ones who's disrespectful every time I try to talk to you, no matter what it's about it's like you don't even care and you walk around here miserable all day!

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