You Shall Receive Pt.1

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October 19th 1986

Dorinda POV

Nikki & Greg: Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Mommy, Happy birthday to you!!!!

Nikki: Happy Birthday mommy!

Greg: Happy Birthday baby

They both leaned in kissed her cheeks.

Dorinda: Aww thank you guys I love y'all so much!

Nikki: Blow out your birthday pancakes candles ma

Dorinda: Okay you wanna help me?

Nikki: Yess

They blow out the candles together and smile.

Greg: Did you make a wish?

Dorinda: Yes I did

Nikki: What did you wish for? Oh wait no don't tell me because then it won't come true!!

Dorinda: I already have my wish, it's the two of you

Dorinda stretched out her arms signaling Nikki and Greg to move in for a family hug. She loved moments like this they were everything to her.

Nikki: Mommy do I have to go to school today since it's your birthday?

Dorinda: Yes you do because I've got a doctors appointment

Nikki: Awww but last year you let me stay home!!

Nikki pouted and crossed her arms.

Dorinda: Nikki you're going to school

Greg: Nikki listen to mommy it's her birthday come on

Nikki: Okayy but can you at least pick me up early...I just wanna be with you mommy!

Nikki batted her eyes and gave Doe the cutest smile. How could she say no to such a sweet face?

Dorinda: Okay baby I'll come get you early

Nikki: YAY!

Greg: Now go brush your teeth and wash your face it's time to start getting ready

Nikki: Okay daddy

Nikki jumped up off the bed and started running out the door.

Dorinda: Girl what have I told you about all that running your gonna hurt yourself!

Nikki: Sorry ma...Happy birthdayyyyy

Nikki walks out the room but Doe hears her start to run again as soon as she turns the corner.

Dorinda: That little girl is too much

Greg: She gets it from her mama

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