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Sounds of steps running around the hallway, the chattering that can be heard inside or outside of the classroom. Now is the break time of one of the high school in the South Korea.

Each students are having their own way to spend the break time, some are stay inside the classroom still studying, some are playing around with their friends, some go into the canteen and for some lucky one they are spending their time with their partner.

Among them there's a group of students who is having their own time in a secluded place of the school. You can say that they're what you can call the delinquents or the bad students of the school that every school sadly have.

"Ya give me another smoke won't you" one of the students ask his friend. Like a normal delinquent do they're now doing everything this is illegal for students do.

"Damn today's class is so boring, that bi**h really sucks at teaching isn't she"

"Yeah I know right, if that's all it takes to be a teacher I guess it'll be easy to be me to be one right" one of the member of the gangs said which make all his friends laugh.

"Hahahaha a dumb guy like you dreaming to be a teacher?? I feel sorry for real to your future students"

"Hey they'll be grateful to have a teacher like me dude. No one will teach them about this if it's not me" he remarked while inhaling more the smoke he has on his hand. Each one of the gang is having a lot of fun except for a guy.

"Yo Jaegal what's wrong? Are you having bad day? Did Yuni rejected you for a play last night?" So Junsu one of the most famous delinquent asked his Friend Taek Jaegal who is the worst student in this school and the leader of the delinquents.

Junsu question makes the entire group get silent and avert their gaze towards Jaegal. Truth to be told all of them are scared of what waiting in the future when Jaegal has a bad mood like that.

"She did, I can't believe that bi**h really rejected me. But more annoying from that is where the fuck is my food, what take that idiot so long"

"He will come soon, well he has to or else well he knows himself what gonna happen"

"Aishhh fuck it. Hey you go and search for that guy, I give you 5 minutes if you don't come back with him I'll make you take the punishment rather than him" Jaegal said to one of his underling.

Without any hesitation the one Jaegal commanded immediately go to search for the wanted person. Yet maybe today is his lucky day before he go too far the said person just come by himself. Along with him are with a bag of foods with him and from the way he looks and the way he breath it's easy to conclude that he was running before he come.

"J-jaegal I-" The poor guy was gonna apologize to Jaegal before a flying kick landed on him which make him immediately fall back on thr ground and groan in pain.

"Yahhh Jinwoo, is it too hard for you to just do a simple task I gave to you?" Jaegal asked him, while also he grab his hair and forcefully lift Jinwoo's head to face him.

Sung Jinwoo just like the other he's a student in this school. He wasn't popular through the school at all, heck some student even labelled him a nerd. It's not like he's a real nerd it just that he finds it kinda hard to interact with peoples. He prefers to just stay alone inside the classroom or spend his time alone reading book at the library and he's content with that too.

Even though he was labelled by other as a nerd, his school life went pretty good until one day the tragic event that will change his school life for forever happen. One day he accidentally bumped into Jaegal and make his uniform dirty by the food he brought at the time. At that right time he was beaten up by Jaegal, which resulted with Jaegal got a suspension. He thought that the unfortunate might end there, but after that day Jaegal starts to bullied him and make him do some errands.

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