Chapter 26

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"we've arrived, Hanni. Do you want me to accompany you until your place" Jimwoo noticed Hanni about their arrival at Hanni's place which is not really needed since Hanni knows about it already.

The whole ride back from the arcade to Hanni's place was awkward, the music they played can't help them too. After the whole incident back at the arcade and also Jinwoo's unwillingness to told her about what happened made a slight gap between the two of them. Which stayed on until they arrived at Hanni's place.

"It's fine oppa, this neighborhood is safe you don't have to worry" Hanni told him, she then immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and got ready to goes down.

"Alright Hanni. Thank you so much for today, it was so much while it lasted. I'm so sorry for ruining it near the end" Jinwoo said to her.

His last sentence made Hanni stop on her way to leave. She takes a look at him and there she sees him looking so bothered.

"Jinwoo oppa I'll be very honest with you. As your friend I care a lot for you, I was really concerned earlier when you suddenly acted like that. I wanna help you oppa, but I couldn't do anything if you don't open up to me about it" Hanni told her. She's being sincere with everything she said because that's truly how she feels.

She really wants to help him but there's a single obstacles that prevents her from doing so which is him himself. That's why she's so frustrated.

"I'm so sorry Hanni, I just can't tell you about it. I'm happy that you care for me, but this matter is just not something I can comfortably talk about especially with you. Don't get me wrong I wish I could just tell you that easily but I can't, I really can't" Jinwoo looks so frustrated while he says that.

He really wants to clear the situation here right now, but he's afraid to open up about his old scars and traumas to Hanni. He's afraid that it'll make the way Hanni saw him changes. Hanni realized that she has pestered him too much and it's time to stop now.

Hanni hesitantly leans forward to give Jinwoo a huh to soothe him a little bit. This is her way to soothe him from his trouble and to apologize to him. The sudden physical contact from Hanni, surprised him a lot.

"H-Hanni?" Jinwoo stuttering asked her.

"I understand oppa, I'm sorry if I crossed the boundaries. It's just that I want to prevent myself from putting you in that same situation. I'm not gonna ask you anymore I'll just wait until you get ready" Hanni explained to him. He finally gets her point and decided to let his body hugged by her.

Not long after Hanni broke off the hug. When she lets go off the hug she could see that Jinwoo's face slightly seems less worried than before. She feels satisfied with the sight.

"Thank you so much Hanni"

"You're welcome oppa. I hope you'll feel better quickly, I don't like you being sad hehehe" Hanni told him with a little bit of joking tone.

Finally the awkwardness between them dropped after they have a serious talk with each other.

"I think I'll be leaving now oppa, drive carefully ok and see you next time Bye~"

"Bye Hanni. Text me when you've arrived at your dorm ok" Hanni goes down from Jinwoo's car with a nod and immediately goes towards her dorm.

Jinwoo waited until he saw Hanni entering the building. He stayed there since he is going to wait for a few minutes until he gets the text from Hanni. Just right after he got Hanni's message that telling him she has has safely made it to her dorm, his mom starts called him. So he accepted the call while he drove off back to his house.

"Hello mom"

"Hi how's the date son?"

"I told you mom, it's not a date" Mrs.Sung can't stop herself from giggling because of Jinwoo's answer. She still thinks that everything was fine which isn't true "I think I left a bad impression on her mom"

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