Chapter 21

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"alright everyone listen up" mighty's coach called for everyone's attention for some pep's talk before their match.

Right now, team mighty is in their waiting room, waiting for their time to play their first match on this tournament. Everyone is relatively relaxed, they have practiced a lot and are obviously more than ready for the tournament.

"Today will be our first match for this tournament. I know that we've got a pretty good results by being second i the last tournament, but I know all of you isn't satisfied with it. Champion is our identity, it's written in our blood as just like our team's name mighty. Show the world our improvement and how we're gonna have fun in this tournament. Stay cool, stay calm but deadly, listen carefully to all the comms and also the instructions that Ego gives. Trust each other don't blame if someone does badly, just tease him is enough" he ends his pep's talk with a little bit of jokes "alright mighties that's all from me. Now to our leader Ego it's your turn" he passed the baton to Jinwoo.

"I'm not gonna said much, our coach here has said basically everything I want to say, so thank you coach. Anyway just play like ourselves, play with mighty identity. Don't be afraid of anyone here because we're the best, but stay respectful. Let's bring this champion's title back to it's worthy owner" like always Jinwoo deliver very well and it truly manages to motivate his team to play well.

Soon after the pep's talk ends, the team scatters around the room doing their own stuff. Like he always does, Jinwoo goes to watch their opponent video one last time, it was part of his routine to prepare for the match.

"Hey Jinwoo, want some?" Eunho asked while holding a sandwich which he offered to Jinwoo.


"How's your leg?" Eunho asked while he was munching on the sandwich.

"Ah hahaha kinda bad I guess. You'll help me go up there right Hyung"

"What if I won't?"

"Then I'll just stay here. Yunyang hyung can go up the stages and just play instead of me" Jinwoo retaliates back, doesn't want to fall for Eunho teasing.

"Hahaha not a bad idea actually, Yunyang will be so happy if he heard he can get more minutes of play" Eunho strikes back at him determined to tease his younger teammates, but sadly for him Jinwoo just doesn't care too much about it "Anyway your phone is ringing. I'll leave you, you should answer it, we still have time" Eunho noticed him before he leaves Jinwoo and go towards the team maknae and start teasing him.

Once Eunho left, Jinwoo quickly took his phone. He checks on the caller's first and there written Hanni's name on the phone. When he sees her name, somehow he feels really excited and happy. With a little smile he takes the phone.

"Hello Hanni, what's up? Why are you awake already? Do you have an early schedule?" Jinwoo asked her a little bit too enthusiastic than usual.

"Yes I am oppa. How're you doing?" Hanni answered from the other side of the call. Her voice is equally enthusiastic as Jinwoo's.

"I'm fine, how about you? Did you sleep well?"

"I'm fine too oppa, I slept just a little bit yesterday since I've a full schedule, maybe around 2 hours"

"That's too little Hanni. You should've taken this chance to sleep then Hanni, rather than call me. Taking a rest should be your number one priority" Jinwoo nagging out of worries.

He usually was the one who experience that, especially when they're in the middle of the tournament like now. That's why he knows very well, how shitty lacks of sleep is and he genuinely doesn't want Hanni to be like that.

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