Chapter 31

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"ohhh it feels nice to have a walk after dinner. It helps me digest the food quicker" Hanni said while she's walking by hopping. Jinwoo is trailing behind her on his own pace, that just enough to make him matching up with Hanni's steps.

They're now having a stroll after they've dinner. It was Hanni's idea and Jinwoo just went along with her.

"You sure are a big eater Hanni-ya. You ate a lot earlier"

"I'm not usually a big eater oppa. But the food we just ate was so delicious. I just think that it'll be a shame if I only eat a little bit of it. I don't even notice I ate that much, up until my stomach feels like exploding" Hanni said to him while rubbing her bulging belly showing how much she ate and how full she is.

Jinwoo couldn't believe what he just seen. Of course it's not a big thing in the first place, but it was Hanni who did it. He felt it was strange to see, since he thought she needed to protect her idol's image.

"I couldn't believe you did that in front of me Hanni-ya. Is it ok for you to do that?" Jinwoo asked jokingly.

In response to his question, Hanni stopped on her way and turned around to look at him, Jinwoo was slightly startled by it. Hanni is looking at him in a somehow confused expression on her face.

"Why would it be not ok for me to do Oppa?"

"I mean.... Don't you need to protect your idol's image Hanni-ya?" Jinwoo explained more only to get a sign of disagreement from Hanni's expression.

"Why would I? It's you who witness it anyways. I'm fine to show you everything about me without any needs to sugar coat it. I trust you enough to see that side of me" Hanni said it so effortlessly, but what she didn't expect is that Jinwoo felt so touched by what she told him "well if there's suddenly rumours about it then it'll be easy to track down who the culprit is right" Hanni said to Jinwoo with a playful smirk on her face.

The atmosphere surrounding them turned into a playful one because of what Hanni just said.

"You set me up Hanni. That's so sly of you" Jinwoo told her which makes her giggle.

"Hehehe got ya~~" Hanni further teases him, keeping the playful in their surrounding alive.

They then continued their walk again, they walked side by side this time though. Along the way they keep on throwing jokes with each other and also teasing each other back and forth. The smile never once disappears from their face.

"This place is so beautiful isn't it oppa"  

"It is. I can see why there are a lot of couples around us. This is a perfect place for a date. Especially at night with the lights all turned on and the view of the lake. It'll be very romantic" Jinwoo replied. Hanni was slightly surprised to hear that response coming from him.

"Ohhh I don't expect that coming from you Oppa~~" Hanni dragged her voice in a teasing manner once again. Jinwoo feels slightly shy due to that teasing, but he manages to cover it properly from Hanni "But you're right, if I've got a boyfriend I would want to have a date here too"

Hanni commented, her eyes shine brightly and the corner of her lips lifted a little bit while she was saying it. They then stopped to enjoy the view around them more. Hanni leaned forward to the railing and having her sight at the calm water of the lake. Jinwoo just stood next to her, he also has his sight at the water of the lake.

"I'm curious though Hanni-ya" Jinwoo opened up, which peaks Hanni's curiosity "What kind of dates do you like to do with your boyfriend?" 

"Hmmm..... I know for sure that quality time is my main thing. I really love to spend time with my boyfriend where the two of us can have time to talk and share about what happens to our life. I think just having a stroll at the park or driving around the city at night might be the perfect date for me. Now that I see it, we have already done it right now Oppa. And I think I'm right, since I enjoy it a lot right now, are we having a date Oppa?" Hanni stated her preference to Jinwoo and at the ending she got playful again. Jinwoo just rolled his eyes to her unstoppable playfulness and that surely enough to make Hanni laugh in happiness "What about you Oppa? What kind of date suits you the most?" Hanni asked back.

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