Chapter 47

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"when did you arrive Yooa? Are you on holiday?"

"Just two days ago" Yooa answered his first question "Yups I'm on holiday right now Jinwoo, so I decided to go back to Korea to meet my parents again" she answered his second question right after that.

"I see. Welcome back to korea then. It's very nice to meet you again"

"Thanks Jinwoo, nice to meet you too. I didn't know that you work here though" Yooa said to him.

"Ohh well, I just recently worked here, so yeah there's no way you will know"

"Jinwoo-ya is there a customer?" At the exact moment after he finished talking, Mrs.Sung came out from the staff room, she was alarmed by the indication that there might be a customer "Oh there's one for real. What can I help you with?" She immediately takes his spot to take care of the job, which doesn't make him happy since he got his job taken away.

"Mom I'm handling her order right now. Just leave it to me ok" Jinwoo tried to fight back for his spot, but Mrs.Sung persisting.

While all of that was happening, Yooa was still there witnessing everything. One thing that she noticed, was the fact that Jinwoo just called the lady that just came "mom". It hit her then, that Jinwoo might not be working here, he's just simply helping.

"Ohh this is a family business, so you're not working here Jinwoo, you're just helping right. You lied to me Jinwoo"

"I'm not, I really worked here Yooa"

Jinwoo and Yooa then starts having a little bit of what might be a debate, with him trying to convince her that he's really working at the cafe. Mrs.Sung saw the interaction between them, and from her perspective it's not the usual interaction from a regular customer and worker.

"Is she your friend, son?" Mrs.Sung asked, to prove about her view. This caused the two youngsters to halt their little debate.

"Yups she is my friend from my old school" Jinwoo confirmed her view.

It make her feel happy though, to find out that the girl in front of her right now is one of her son's friends. After everything that happened, she was sad because he doesn't have any friend from his old school that he stayed in contact with and he was too traumatized to make more friends. Mrs.Sung immediately averted her attention to Yooa after that. Yooa slightly nods to her after noticing that Mrs.Sung is now looking at her.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Jinwoo's mother, Sung Yuri, What is your name?" She officially introduces herself to Yooa. She sticks out her hand for a handshake with Yooa, which the younger girl accepts politely.

"My name is Han Yooa, nice to meet you too Mrs.Sung. I'm sorry I didn't greet you first Mrs.Sung. I didn't know that you are his mother" she introduced herself as well to Mrs.Sung.

"Aishhh that's fine, don't think too much about it. By the way, what do you want to order Yooa?" Mrs.Sung asked for the order. Everyone was so in the moment right now that they literally forgot about it, if it's not because of her.

Yooa being reminded, quickly scanned the menu in front of her to get her order.

"Just a tiramisu cake and then....." She paused for a little bit, to see if she will go on and order more or not "a chocolate smoothie also sounds pretty good" She ordered again whilst closing the menu book.

Having all the orders typed down, Mrs.Sung immediately stated the price of the order. Not wasting any moment, Yooa immediately gave the money to Jinwoo.

"I'll bring your order to your table when it's ready Yooa" Jinwoo told her while he gave the change and recipes to Yooa.

"Thank you Jinwoo" Yooa goes on to look for the empty table, while Jinwoo goes on to make her order. Mrs.Sung just stayed at the cashier to take his spot.

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