Chapter 33

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"Mr. Sung Jinwoo?" Jinwoo's name is called by the nurse who is now looking for him since it's his turn now. Hearing Jinwoo's name called, Sungbin gestured to him to get up and both of them walked towards the nurse "are you Mr. Sung Jinwoo?" The nurse asked first to confirm the identity.

"Yes this guy is Sung Jinwoo"

"Please come in Sir" The nurse opens the door for them and lets them in.

Both Jinwoo and Sungbin entered the room after thanking the nurse. When they entered they the usual set up of doctor's practice room. The doctor who's inside noticed him entering the room, and immediately he stood up from his chair to welcome them.

"Mr.Sung Jinwoo right, my name is Dr.Hiroshi Nakata. Nice to meet you Please have a seat" he introduced himself. Jinwoo and Sungbin then take the chairs provided there and just wait there until for the doctor to start "firstly, may I know which one of you is Mr.Sung Jinwoo?"

"He's Sung Jinwoo doctor. I'm his teammate, since he couldn't speak Japanese I'm here to accompany him and be his translator" Sungbin introduced Jinwoo to the doctor.

With him finally knowing which one of them is his patient, he immediately shifted his focus towards Jinwoo.

"I see. Alright then, Mr.Sung Jinwoo, may I know what your complaints are?" Dr.Hiroshi finally jumped to the examination.

"My friend here has been feeling some kind of problem with his hands. Lately he's been occasionally feeling a tingling sensation around his wrist and also his hand, especially around his finger between the index and middle finger" Sungbin explained to him in the same way as Jinwoo explained to him before. While he was explaining Jinwoo's complaints, Dr.Hiroshi listened attentively while taking some notes of his complaints.

"I see.... are there any other  complaints?" Dr. Hiroshi asked further to gather more information to help him diagnose Jinwoo's possible injury.

"Well I don't know if it's related to the same thing, but lately my hand is very Shakey especially when I played, also I sometimes lose the strength of my grips. I have dropped things multiple times" Jinwoo stated more about his  complaints and like always Sungbin deliver it to the doctor as the middle man.

"Alright can you give me the hand that is in pain?" Dr. Hiroshi asked for Jinwoo's hand in question.

Jinwoo understand the what he needs to do without Sungbin's help and so he immediately gives his hand. Dr. Hiroshi then starts examining his hands by pressing some points on his hand and moving it in various direction. The pain came back sometimes when he did it.

"Hmmmm.... do you feel the sting again when I pressed this point?" He asked while he pressed some point at Jinwoo's hand which immediately made him winching.

"Y-yes" Jinwoo confirmed it in Japanese by himself. Dr. Hiroshi then lets his hand go.

"Can you follow me sir?" Dr. Hiroshi said while he has his hands out seemingly trying to do something.

He then does some tests on his own hands for Jinwoo to see and follows. Jinwoo having told by Sungbin to followed the Doctor proceeds on following him. He keeps on feeling the same pain he has been feeling, every time he did the tests.

"I assume you feel the pains right sir?"


"Alright then you could stop now" Dr.Hiroshi told him "I could already come up with what might be the possible cause of your pain, but let's get an x ray so we can be more certain about it. Please follow me sir" Dr. Hiroshi stood up from his seats and gestured to Jinwoo to follow him.

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