Chapter 14

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"Oh that's right Jinwoo-ssi, you said that you're going to London soon right" Hanni asking Jinwoo who is enjoying the cake in front of him.

They have been in the same place for an hour or even more. They have been mostly talking with each other about their lifes, with them sharing their difficulties and fun moments from their jobs. They also start to open up more about their personal life. It was mostly Hanni though, with Jinwoo still hiding the bigger part of himself from her.

"Yeah we'll go there in a week"

"How will you spent your time there? Don't tell me that you'll spend it by going on scrims and playing games all the time" Hanni asked him again with a hint of doubts.

"Actually that's my plan"

"Don't you want to travel around the city? I mean it's not like everyday that you can go to another country right? Don't you want to at least experience going through places that the city offer?"

"Not really. I mean after the disappointing results we got in the last tournament, we need to step up our games even more. And as their leader I need to lead my team to champion once again" Jinwoo said to her.

The words he said shown clearly that he's carrying a big responsibility on his shoulder. Hanni caught it really well, in fact she's slightly gets worried for him because seems like he puts himself in too much pressure.

Hanni has always deducted him as a very responsible person who devoted himself a lot too his jobs. To the point where he will subsequently put himself on the pressure because of the responsibility he has. And those words Jinwoo just said is a clear indication that her deduction is right.

"Jinwoo-ssi don't you think you carry too much burden with you?" Hanni asked out of concern, but of course he doesn't catch it.

"Well I have an important role as the igl of the team. I need to live up to the roles given to me, I can't disappoint the trust my teammates have given to me" Jinwoo reasoned to her. Hanni still can understand his point, but still it worries her.

She knows how hard it is to carry a lot of burden, since she has saw some peoples she knows crumbles down from the burdens they're carrying including her members too. She was just worried that he might go down that route too.

"I know what you mean, but it's not like everything has to be carried by you. You have your teammates that you can depend on and to share the burden with" Hanni further emphasize on her point. Finally at this point Jinwoo catches on that she is worry about him.

"Are you worried that the burden will be too much for me Hanni-ssi?"

"Yeah. I've seen people close to me crumble down because they don't want to share their burden with anyone just like you"

"I see, thanks for worrying about me. But still I'd rather carry everything so my teammates can focus on themselves Hanni-ya"

"I see...." Hanni finally decided to back down to not further drag the argument. She still has got another thing to ask though "So I guess if I asked you out to go around the city with me, you're not gonna accept it right?"

"Do you even have the time for it? You're there for your schedule right, i doubt it you will have time to go out"

"A matter of fact I have plenty of times. So what do you say?"

"Are you being serious for real right now?"

"Yes I am. Why are you always doubting me?" Hanni slightly gets frustrated by the constant doubts from Jinwoo.

"Well sorry I didn't mean to doubt you" he apologized. He then takes a couple of minutes before he could give her the answer "Is it ok for you if we don't walk too much? As you know, my leg can't handle walking for too much"

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