Chapter 17

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The night continues on at the park. As it's getting late, there are more people walking around the park. Most of those are couples from all around the age or family members having their family times. Yet there's Hanni there alone because the person who should be with her right now still hasn't come back yet.

When will he come back? It's been half an hour already.

Hanni who is sitting alone at the park thought to herself while she was kicking the air pouting because Jinwoo still hasn't come. She's gradually getting lonely and bored, the view around her doesn't help at all.

For the countless time already she took her phone out to play with it. Luckily for her not long after she saw Jinwoo finally walking back to her.

"Are you done oppa? I thought you forgot about me since you're having a great time with your friend" Hanni tried to tease him.

She expected Jinwoo to respond like he usually did, by apologizing to her. Not like she expected Jinwoo immediately takes a seat right beside her not even uttering a single.

"Mhmmm sorry Hanni....." Jinwoo answered shortly. His expression is gloomy. It seemed like something bad happened to him.

"What's wrong oppa? Why do you look gloomy?" Hanni asked him out of concern.

"Hanni I'm so sorry, but can we just stay here? I don't feel like going"

"It's fine oppa, you don't have to worry. But would you tell me what is wrong? Maybe I could help you with it oppa"

"I'm sorry Hanni-ya, I can't tell you for the now"

"It's ok oppa. You shouldn't be sorry to me. I just wish that you could be happier even without my help"

No further conversation happened between the two of them. Hanni keeps glancing over Jinwoo to check om him, and yet every time she glances he still has the same gloomy looks. She wants to listen to his stories so badly, she wants to help him feel better, and yet she can't because Jinwoo rejected her offer.

She tried to think to come up with something to avert his attention from the problem he's facing right now. It's her way to indirectly helps him. Before she could come up with an idea, Jinwoo suddenly stood up. Leading Hanni to look at him in confusion.

"I think we should go Hanni"

"Wait why did you change your mind oppa? I'm fine being here, just stay oppa"

"We're here to hanging out right we can't just stay here all night long"

"Are you sure you're alright already oppa?"

"Yes I am" Jinwoo assured her, a slight smile is forming on his face. She can feel that it's a forced one yet since he himself said it, she decided to just agree with him.

"Alright then if you said so. Let's go oppa" with that said, the two of them finally departed to the place that they already agreed to go to.


"May I have your order now miss and mister?" The waitress asked for their orders.

Right now both Jinwoo and Hanni are in this famous restaurant located not too far from the park. It wasn't the one they were planning to visit since it's close today, that's why they decided to go to this restaurant.

"Uhmmmm I'll have a spaghetti Bolognese and a glass of ice water please" Hanni finally told the waitress her order.

"Sure miss, what about you mister?" She turned her focus on Jinwoo who still hasn't ordered yet.

"I'll have the same menu like her"

"Sure what about the dessert? Do you want to order some?"

"Hmmm dessert..... But I'm on diet though...." Hanni said to herself while she's in dilemma. Jinwoo heard it and decided to plot something for her.

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