Chapter 15

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"Ya Jinwoo, We'll be going out after this. Do you want to join?" Eunho asked Jinwoo who is on his phone currently playing with Youngjae.

The full mighty team are now at their assigned accomodation that was prepared by the organizers. It's located near the center of london, since the tournament will take place around there.

Everyone is scattered around with Jinwoo and Youngjae at the sofa in the middle of the house, while the rest are at the dinner table.

"Where will you going Hyung?"

"We're planning to stroll around the city, while this guy will go to one of the soccer match"

"Yups I was so lucky that the match schedule lines up with our free time, so I decided to buy myself a ticket"

"You guys can see how selfish he is right. He bought only one for himself and forgot about us" Yunho said while side eyeing his twin.

"Shut up, dumb brother. I bought one for you too" once Yunho gets his ticket he immediately gestures zipping his mouth close, this got Eunho to roll his eyes "I didn't buy for you three though"

"It's fine we don't like watching soccer anyway, but if both of you go together, that means I'll only go with Youngjae then" Sungbin said.

"Why did you seclude Jinwoo Hyung, Hyung? He hasn't even given his answer yet" Youngjae asked.

He then puts his phone down and leans on the back of the sofa to have a conversation with the rest of the team. Meanwhile Jinwoo went to his room to take his laptop before he headed back to the living room again.

"I mean it's clear that he won't go isn't it? Look he already has his laptops out and ready. You guys should have already guess what he's gonna do" Sungbin said.

with his arm crossed, he simply gestures the other to look at Jinwoo's direction. All of them immediately sighed in disappointment once they see him like that again.

"Actually this time I think I might go outside. I'm still not sure when though" Jinwoo calmly said.

It was enough to send a big surprise to his teammates though. Their expectations were broken and they obviously weren't ready for that.

"Oh really? That's new coming from you Jinwoo, do you have an appointment or what?" Sungbin asked.

"Yups I do with my friend" everyone now is curious about this friend of him, especially the two biggest nosy between them.

"A girl?" Youngjae tries to dig out more information of this mysterious person that managed to do what they can't for a couple of years of trying.

"Not gonna tell you" Jinwoo denied immediately Youngjae's first attempt.

"I'm sure it's a girl" Eunho whispered to Youngjae. He already went to Youngjae's side when he hears Jinwoo mentioning that he's gonna meet up with a girl.

"I have a feeling it's a girl too Hyung" Youngjae said having the same thought as his Hyung.

"Do you have any ideas, who this person might be Youngjae?"

"No I don't. You know it yourself hyung, he never interact with anyone outside of the team or his mom. Hmmmm..... there might be someone actually"

"Yah tell me quick who is this"

"I'm not sure though. But I think it might be ne-" before Youngjae can finish his sentences a pinch already landed on the side of his body which immediately makes him stop and now winches in pain "owowowow it hurts. Please stop it Hyungnim" thanks to his begging the pinching finally stops. He immediately rubs the spots Jinwoo just pinched and when he checks there's a big mark left there.

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