Chapter 37

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"Follow me oppa" Hanni said to Jinwoo after they get off from Jinwoo's car.

Both of them just arrived at NewJeans's agency ador's headquarters. After Jinwoo parked his car, both of them immediately went to the inside of the building with Hanni acting as Jinwoo's guide for the day. When they entered the building Jinwoo was taken aback by how impressive the inside is. He was already awed when he saw the outside of the building and now that he got to see the inside he's more awed by it.

"Wow so this is the inside of an entertainment company" Jinwoo exclaimed while he looked around the first floor of the building.

Hanni stands beside him feeling a sense of pride to get that response from him.

"It's cool isn't it. I was awestruck too when I first came. Oh and by the way, you'll need this card wherever you're going in this building, so in other words you can't go anywhere without me oppa" Hanni said to Jinwoo while she waved the said card to him.

"I can already guess that, since you need to scan it everywhere you go. Don't worry I'll stay with you all the time"

"Just tell me when you want to go somewhere, I'll go with you Oppa" Jinwoo just simply nods his head to answer her.

Hanni then takes the initiative to continue their journey to Newjeans's practice room. Along the way, Hanni explained to Jinwoo each part of the building, by the time they got into the floor where the practice room located at he already knows where the cafeteria, recording room, playground and all the rooms they went pass.

When they reach the floor they are heading to, Hanni immediately brings him towards their practice room. There are three practice rooms at this floor and Newjeans takes the one at the end of the hallway. Jinwoo could hear some musical leaking out from the other practice room when he walked past them. The same goes when he gets in front of the last practice room which is the one for Newjeans.

"We're here, welcome to our practice room oppa" Hanni said before she opened the door.

She entered first and Jinwoo followed behind her. When he got in he was immediately welcomed by a vast room with a mirror completely covering one side of the wall and the floor made of woods. The Wall itself is painted in black. The practice room is well lighted and there are some other needs like water dispenser, changing room, laptop and so on.

After Jinwoo slightly settled in, Hanni brought him to where her members alongside their choreographer and manager is now at. When they saw Hanni approaching some of them immediately having a little bit of banter with Hanni because she took so long to comeback. They noticed Jinwoo too and immediately they exchanged greetings with him.

"Hello everyone it's been a long time since we met. Thanks for allowing me to be here" Jinwoo greeted them properly.

Minji and their manager then got up to welcome him on behalf of everyone present there especially the Newjeans members.

"Hello Jinwoo-ssi. How are you? We haven't got the chance to meet again since the last time you came to deliver the cake"

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking Minji-ssi"

"Good afternoon Jinwoo-ssi. I'm Newjeans'manager, we've met before" Newjeans's manager greets him too this time more formally by offering her hands for a handshake.

"Oh yes ma'am. Nice to meet you again" Jinwoo replied to her and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too Jinwoo-ssi. I hope you can enjoy your stay here, but I just want you to tell you to not take any videos of the practice or any footage of the members"

"Unnie he won't do that. You don't have to tell him about it" Hanni protested, she's afraid that Jinwoo might be feeling insulted because her manager told him that.

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